Welcome! These are my personal notes about our Westmarches campaign. You're welcome to browse them if you'd like. I make no promises as to the accuracy of the notes contained within. This is simply my personal way of organizing my notes. If they help you, awesome!
My Characters
Player Characters
- Da-vid
- Eylar
- Freya Olatur
- Hathesni
- Iago
- Jafar
- Kara
- Kemurial
- Levo Thyroxine
- Lim Dul
- Mazira
- Nyrael
- Parzivel
- Renaldine
- Renfield
- Sindri
- Swoop
- Thrahn
- Thullahnyr
- Treznak
- Trisha
- Valric
- Varkos
- Wesson Smith
- Zabbi
- Zorak
- Zugg Zugg
Non-Playable Characters
- Balthasar Gelt
- Bartleby Barristol
- Bonebreaker Dorokor
- Brother Abbendis
- Carese Itel
- Dead Roses
- Dohma Raskovar
- Edmond Bedegar
- Elder Oraithe
- Father Belderone
- Flesheaters
- Friar Karl
- Galvar
- Gambus Longfellow
- George
- Ghal Maraz
- Gilfred Family
- Gray Trees
- Grinwald
- Jestan
- Jorca Moran
- Karl Franz
- Kurgan Ironbeard
- Kurt Helborg
- Lord Saxton
- Lymrith
- Malvora
- Oravin
- Orman
- Pinna
- Queen Bargnot
- Rudas
- Ruth Willowmane
- Seraphina
- Sidan
- Sir Pelliton
- Tace
- Theran
- Thomas Windcastle
- Thorner
- Thyrus Gormann
- Tobias Prince
- Valthor
- Valthorn
- Vilek
- Yladhra
- Zephyr
- Abandoned Temple of The God of Guardians
- Alethi Empire
- Altdorf
- Bedegar
- Castle Drakenhoff
- Castle Rend
- Cleft of Wisdom
- Cultist Hideout
- Deepfathom Well
- Deserted Watchpost
- Dragon's Den Inn
- Emberhold
- Evershady Tavern
- Forgotten Library
- Gilded Iron
- Gillyfree
- Goldpeak Mountain
- Gravesford
- Hanging Tree Tavern
- Ivory Throne
- Jagged Edge Hideaway
- Lonely Torch Outpost
- Meliora
- Nevermind
- Old Man Willow
- Pinna's Shop
- Reikland
- Shack on the Coast
- Shifting Woods
- Skadriel
- The Dohmain
- The Forbidden Gorge
- The Howling Hills
- The Millenia Cave
- The Old World
- The Reluctant Pig
- The Westmarches
- The Whispering Falls
- Thistlebriar
- Tilea
- Tranquil Haven Monastery
- Trilake
- Urithiru
- Village of the Swallows
- Well of Ascension
- Whistling Woods
- Whitesparrow
- Wildreach
- Willowshire
- Withered Grove Cemetery
- Ziggurat of the Doom Priests