Quick Facts
- Male goliath blood hunter (Order of the Mutant)
- Was once a prospective agent for his faction, but never quite made the cut. However, the various skills and techniques he learned while studying for the faction agent position still carry with him, even if he isn't all that good at it.
- Died at the hands of the Dead Roses after Da-vid decided not to take the offer to join them and instead deal lethal attacks to their leader, causing his allies to attack us with a renewed vengeance. At the point that happened, it became a fight to the death.
Has Adventured With
Freya Olatur
Wesson Smith
Session Reports
- 3.1 OPERATION - The First Foray
- 3.2 OPERATION - Procure Object of Power
- 4.0.1 OPERATION - Last Night at Nevermind (Temp)
Character Sheet
![[Paragon 4th Level.pdf]]