Rory Emberscale
![[hewwo my name ith wowy.mp4]]
![[Thteeven The Brave.mp4]]
![[Friend of Metal.mp4]]
Quick Facts
- (D&D 2024 Version) Male Dragonborn barbarian/fighter, Path of the Wild Heart
- (D&D 2014 Version) Male Ravenite Dragonborn barbarian, originally Path of the Giant, but later respecced into Path of the Totem Warrior
- Found himself teleported to the mysterious and unfamiliar lands of The Westmarches
- Looking for a way back home so that he can continue his journey to find his parents
- Has a terrible lisp, unable to properly pronounce his Rs and Ls
- Can just barely write, but writes like he talks. His reading level is roughly that of a child in 1st Grade.
Has Adventured With
Freya Olatur
Wesson Smith
Session Reports
- 3.1a Well, It's a Start
- 3.1b A Most Unexpected Reunion
- 3.2 Here We Go Again (Milestone - 4th Level)
- 4.12 Flesheaters (Milestone - 5th Level)
- 5.1 Cult of the Dusk
- 5.2 Nature's Rage
- 5.3 Camp Firefield (Milestone - 7th Level!)
- 7.1 Yladhra's Domain
- 7.2 The Gilded Hollows
- 7.3 A Pelli-Ton of Trouble (Milestone - 8th Level!)
- 8.1 All Too Familiar
- 8.2 Castle Rend
- 8.3 Mummy Issues (Milestone - 9th Level!)
- 9.0 The Mists of Castle Rend
- 9.1 Reparations and Preparations
- 9.2 The Battle of Castle Rend
- 9.2x What's Next for Us
- 9.3 On the Road Again (Milestone - 10th Level!)
- 10.1 Meliora
- 10.2 The Brine Leviathan
- 10.3 What Mysteries Does Emberhold
- 10.4 Vroom Vroom! (Milestone - 11th Level!)
- 11.1 The Fast and the Friarous
Character Sheet
![[Rory Emberscale - 9th Level 2024.pdf]]
Full Backstory
Full-blooded dragons are well-known, mostly understood, and revered by the High Elves in general, so when a family of High Elves found a scaly humanoid dragon baby, seemingly abandoned, they were shocked. Dragonborn have mostly only been spoken about in stories, but rarely seen. This family lived in Summersong, a small village located at the base of the Dragon Spine Mountains on the southwest side of the outer ring of Ulthuan. Summersong is a small, quiet village, with beautiful landscapes, apart from the imposing volcano that can be seen on the horizon to the south. They immediately took him in, cared for him, and were generally great parents to this Dragonborn.
He wasn't great in school, but he at least tried his best. While he wasn't very bookish, he excelled at the more physical activities, and was more than happy to help his family around their farm. School wasn't very enjoyable for this Dragonborn, as the kids (and even some of the faculty) stared at him constantly. Although his appearance was imposing and intimidating, he was, for the most part, a gentle soul. However, his anger issues caught up with him as his fellow schoolmates picked on him for his terrible lisp and inability to fully pronounce Rs and Ls. He therefore viewed his given name as an abomination, much like he felt those around might view him as a whole.
One day, during school, there was a sudden large commotion as what essentially amounted to a small army stormed the small village. It was as if nobody saw them coming. It seemed like they were looking for something, but nobody knew exactly what. They barged their way into the town, rummaging through the various buildings in their way, but they were careful not to cause unnecessary harm to anyone or to take any lives. The once-peaceful village was now stunned by the sudden invasion, left alone to rebuild. Luckily, all the villagers were accounted for. Except for one. That one was the single Dragonborn villager.
He has since been magically transported to an unfamiliar land he has come to know as the Westmarches. He has made Urithiru his home and is looking for adventure to tide him over until such a time that he figures out how to get back home to continue his goal to reunite with his parents.