11.1 Swimmy Wizard Hits Hard, Kakariki Hits Harder

SESSION DATE: March 01, 2025
PRESENT: Kakariki, Eylar, Tobias Prince, Rudas

Deep Dive

![[Kakariki - 11.1 Swimmy Wizard Hits Hard, Kakariki Hits Harder.wav]]

Adventure Photos

Elemental Arch Mage's Water Trial.png
Kakariki and Blaze.png
Eylar Doing Interpretive Dance.png
Tobias Prince Manifesting Powers.png
Rudas Casting a Heal Spell.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[The Drowned Sorcerer's Last Laugh.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

Oooooh, today was very wet! Kakariki and friends step into Evil Archmage’s tower, looking for keys! Four elemental wings, four keys, four times Kakariki must be very brave. First stop? Water! Kakariki does not like wet socks, but Kakariki will endure for the mission.

Inside water wing, everything is BRIDGE. Grates, metal, wood, more bridge. Water all around, above, below, between toes—very drippy. Then! Sneaky magic! Eylar tries to fly but only goes up five feet. Suspicious! Then, BAM! Mysterious voice! "This is my realm! The master gave me control!" Oooooh no! IT’S INITIATIVE TIME!

Kakariki makes Blaze extra fast with Haste, then poof! goes invisible! Blaze sprints forward and chomp-chomp-burns the Marid—so good, so strong! Tobias does weird brain magic (Kakariki does not understand but it looks cool), Rudas turns into a giant scorpion (VERY cool), Eylar throws lightning (but Marid says, "Nah"). Marid? Very rude. He makes fog, jumps in the water, blasts Eylar with icy jet—SO RUDE. Then, boop boop! extra enemies arrive! Merfolk skirmishers! Annoying fish people!

Blaze gets ANGRY and rampages at Marid! Big chomp! Kakariki follows up with crossbow pew pew, then sets himself on fire (but in a smart way). More fighting! More magic! More stabbing! Fish people everywhere! Then—BIG BAD WAVE! Water magic tries to sweep everyone away! Blaze gets caught in a whirlpool (very bad for fiery doggo), but fights through it! Blaze chomps Water Elemental, and Kakariki makes it BLEED FIRE! Water bleeding? Yes. Kakariki does not question it.

THEN, mysterious laughter! "I wouldn’t get in the water if I were you!" Ooooooh NO! Water moves in weird ways, strong current, even more bad fish magic! Kakariki keeps fighting! More arrows! More fire! More sneaky invisibility! Blaze bites, Kakariki pew-pews, but then—SPLASH! A Water Weird appears! And grabs Kakariki! OH NO! Kakariki is tangled, strangled, swirled in water, AND stuck in whirlpool. Things looking VERY BAD. But then! Tobias brain-zaps Kakariki, Rudas, and himself out of water—Hooray for teleporting brain magic!

More fight! More chaos! Marid finally appears, but WHAP! SLAP! CRACK! Marid SMACKS Kakariki SO HARD that Kakariki almost DIES. Blaze is too far to help. Kakariki’s vision goes dark. Fire flickers. Just when it seems all over… Tobias! Psychic Healy Magic! Kakariki breathes again! Then Rudas SCORPION-HEALS Kakariki back to full power! Ooooooh, so much life magic, so good! Kakariki will make them a thank-you fire later.

Then, Eylar! Zooms onto platform, slashes Marid with all his might—AND MARID DIES! HOORAY! The fish people vanish, the water stops being angry, and everyone is SAFE! Kakariki almost died, but did not! Blaze is very proud, even though he got very soggy.

Kakariki and friends search for loot (Kakariki hopes for fire-related treasure). One elemental key down, three to go! More danger ahead! More adventures! More opportunities to ALMOST DIE but NOT DIE! Kakariki is READY!

Blaze says: "GRRRRRR." (Which means "Next time, we burn the water.")

Kakariki agrees.

Private Notes

That's it for this session!

Adventure Loot