11.1 Swimmy Wizard Hits Hard, Kakariki Hits Harder
SESSION DATE: March 01, 2025
PRESENT: Kakariki, Eylar, Tobias Prince, Rudas
Deep Dive
![[Kakariki - 11.1 Swimmy Wizard Hits Hard, Kakariki Hits Harder.wav]]
Adventure Photos
Adventure Song & Lyrics
![[The Drowned Sorcerer's Last Laugh.mp4]]
World Anvil Journal
Oooooh, today was very wet! Kakariki and friends step into Evil Archmage’s tower, looking for keys! Four elemental wings, four keys, four times Kakariki must be very brave. First stop? Water! Kakariki does not like wet socks, but Kakariki will endure for the mission.
Inside water wing, everything is BRIDGE. Grates, metal, wood, more bridge. Water all around, above, below, between toes—very drippy. Then! Sneaky magic! Eylar tries to fly but only goes up five feet. Suspicious! Then, BAM! Mysterious voice! "This is my realm! The master gave me control!" Oooooh no! IT’S INITIATIVE TIME!
Kakariki makes Blaze extra fast with Haste, then poof! goes invisible! Blaze sprints forward and chomp-chomp-burns the Marid—so good, so strong! Tobias does weird brain magic (Kakariki does not understand but it looks cool), Rudas turns into a giant scorpion (VERY cool), Eylar throws lightning (but Marid says, "Nah"). Marid? Very rude. He makes fog, jumps in the water, blasts Eylar with icy jet—SO RUDE. Then, boop boop! extra enemies arrive! Merfolk skirmishers! Annoying fish people!
Blaze gets ANGRY and rampages at Marid! Big chomp! Kakariki follows up with crossbow pew pew, then sets himself on fire (but in a smart way). More fighting! More magic! More stabbing! Fish people everywhere! Then—BIG BAD WAVE! Water magic tries to sweep everyone away! Blaze gets caught in a whirlpool (very bad for fiery doggo), but fights through it! Blaze chomps Water Elemental, and Kakariki makes it BLEED FIRE! Water bleeding? Yes. Kakariki does not question it.
THEN, mysterious laughter! "I wouldn’t get in the water if I were you!" Ooooooh NO! Water moves in weird ways, strong current, even more bad fish magic! Kakariki keeps fighting! More arrows! More fire! More sneaky invisibility! Blaze bites, Kakariki pew-pews, but then—SPLASH! A Water Weird appears! And grabs Kakariki! OH NO! Kakariki is tangled, strangled, swirled in water, AND stuck in whirlpool. Things looking VERY BAD. But then! Tobias brain-zaps Kakariki, Rudas, and himself out of water—Hooray for teleporting brain magic!
More fight! More chaos! Marid finally appears, but WHAP! SLAP! CRACK! Marid SMACKS Kakariki SO HARD that Kakariki almost DIES. Blaze is too far to help. Kakariki’s vision goes dark. Fire flickers. Just when it seems all over… Tobias! Psychic Healy Magic! Kakariki breathes again! Then Rudas SCORPION-HEALS Kakariki back to full power! Ooooooh, so much life magic, so good! Kakariki will make them a thank-you fire later.
Then, Eylar! Zooms onto platform, slashes Marid with all his might—AND MARID DIES! HOORAY! The fish people vanish, the water stops being angry, and everyone is SAFE! Kakariki almost died, but did not! Blaze is very proud, even though he got very soggy.
Kakariki and friends search for loot (Kakariki hopes for fire-related treasure). One elemental key down, three to go! More danger ahead! More adventures! More opportunities to ALMOST DIE but NOT DIE! Kakariki is READY!
Blaze says: "GRRRRRR." (Which means "Next time, we burn the water.")
Kakariki agrees.
Private Notes
- We find ourselves tracking down an evil arch mage in his tower. To gain access to his sanctum, we'll need to source keys from four elemental wings of his tower. First up is the water wing.
- We step through the door into the water wing. We find ourselves in a world of water. We're standing on a combination of wooden and metal grating. Seems to be a long bridge at water level. There is water between the gaps in the grates. Lighting is bright in here. The bridge seems to continue forever. Looking behind us, we see a mirror image. We see some additional platforms along the sides of the bridge, something we hadn't seen so far until walking some distance from the entrance.
- Eylar is able to fly, but for some reason is only able to lift no more than five feet above the surface. It looks as though he should be able to fly higher, but whether it's due to some bend in reality or what, he can't seem to fly higher.
- Eylar continues forth until suddenly, a figure appears at the far end of the bridge from us. He says "This is my realm. The master has given me control." INITIATIVE!!!
- Kakariki uses his enspelled crossbow to cast Haste on Blaze, then turns invisible using Hidden Step. He sends Blaze speeding forth to Marid and Blaze takes a decent chunk out of Marid using his signature attack. Nice.
- Tobias moves forward a bit and manifests a couple powers. First, he manifests Iron, which gives him 15 temp HP, +2 AC and he can attack twice with his limbs. Then he manifests Beam Gaze, which is a sickening beam of force from his eyes (!). If the target fails the Con save, they take some force damage, are poisoned, their speed is halved, can't take reactions, and attacks made against them have advantage. Awesome power! However, this one does cause him to take some strain to do so.
- Rudas is up next. He wildshapes himself into a large scorpion. Then he moves up and casts Conjure Minor Elementals, which makes his attacks do extra damage and the area around him is difficult terrain for his enemies. Sounds like a great spell!
- Eylar's turn next. He moves up and casts a Lightning Bolt, doing some damage even though Marid makes his save, but the lightning doesnt seem to affect Marid as much as expected. Ah well, we're learning! Then he casts Bladesong, which gives him a bonus to AC based on his Int mod, extra walking speed, advantage on Dex checks, and a bonus to Con saves to maintain concentration on spells.
- Marid's next. He casts Misty Vale/Fog Cloud on himself before stepping off into the water. Blaze can't get an opportunity attack since the fog area is heavily obscured, and the Marid takes off without issue. He then casts Water Jet at Eylar, doing massive cold damage, pushing him 20' away and knocking him prone. Oof!
- At the end of Marid's turn, a couple of extra creatures join the fray, one merfolk skirmisher on each of the floating platforms.
- On Kakariki's next turn, Blaze enters a Rampage. Kakariki fails the check to prevent it, so he has Blaze take off toward Marid and take his Rampaging attack at him. He hits, doing some good damage, then he has him bite him again thanks to Haste. The Kakariki moves up and fires his crossbow at Marid, doing some more damage. He uses his Mystic Connection feature to surround himself in flame such that anything doing melee damage to him will take some fire damage.
- Tobias's turn. He unleashes a couple Psionic Bolts at a nearby merfolk, taking it out before moving northward closer to the rest of the enemies.
- Rudas moves forward toward a merfolk and takes some swings with his scorpion claws, and the elementals around him do some damage as well. Second merfolk down!
- Eylar's up. He rights himself in the water before taking out the nearby merfolk with his scimitar, then flies up to a nearby platform with another merfolk and takes it out as well. Nice!
- Marid's turn. He goes invisible. He says "Hmm... Let my minions handle you!" before splashing into the water just behind the platform.
- At the start of the next round, Marid's minions appear. At opposite ends of the bridge, some additional merfolk appear.
- One of the merfolk wavebenders casts Control Water, creating a whirlpool, catching Blaze within it. Luckily Blaze makes his save, so he takes only half damage, but still must swim out of it.
- Kakariki and Blaze's turn. Blaze almost enters a Rampage, but resists, allowing him to keep his Ferocity. Nice! He swims out of the whirlpool and jumps up onto the platform where the water elemental resides and takes a couple of attacks, missing one, but hitting with the Hasted attack. Because he hit, Kakariki is able to finally use his Primal Exploits, one to inflict a Hellish Wound on the elemental, and the other to Thrash him around, giving the elemental's attack disadvantage and our attacks against it advantage until the start of Kakariki's next turn. Kakariki then attacks the elemental with his crossbow, hitting it, and allowing Blaze to make another attack thanks to Wrath of the Pack. Fun times! Then Kakariki goes invisible again by way of Hidden Step.
- Tobias uses his Iron ability again, bolstering himself once again.
- The merfolk skirmisher uses its Ocean Spear ability, but misses its attacks.
- Eylar moves up to a merfolk wavebender. When he does so, it gets an attack on him, but Eylar saves, taking no damage from the Watery Rebuke. Eylar then swings his Blinding Smite Witchlight Scimitar. Sounds awesome! He then casts a Green Flame Blade as well, and finishes by using Second Wind.
- At some point, we hear laughing and a voice that says "I wouldn't get in the water if I were you!" Just then, the water begins to become a little more rough as if a current has begun moving through it.
- Kakariki does about the same thing as last turn, minus the Thrash. He leaves the water elemental with a single hit point, but it dies on its next turn thanks to the Hellish Wounds placed on it.
- Tobias casts Telekinetic Burst, which is basically a psionic Fireball, doing some good damage on the southern group of enemies.
- Rudas is up next. He takes a swing with his claws again and once more uses the elementals around him to do a bit of damage to surrounding enemies. He then takes another swing with his claws along with a sting attack with his tail, doing some massive damage!
- Eylar's up. He casts See Invisibility. After taking care of the northern enemies last turn, he moves down toward the central area of the bridge and casts Toll the Dead on the wavebinder merfolk near Blaze. Unfortunately the enemy makes its save.
- The other wavebinder uses Control Water to create a wave that sweeps those on the bridge within it off their feet and into the water, riding the wave's energy back to where it began.
- Marid's up, and he finally shows himself as he casts another Water Jet, this time catching Kakariki and Tobias in the wake. Kakariki takes the full force of the jet blast, but is somehow miraculously able to hang on to his concentration on Haste. Phew!
- At the end of Marid's turn, a Water Weird appears next to Tobias and Kakariki. Great, more enemies!
- The Water Weird grapples Kakariki and does some damage to him. He's now grappled and restrained AND caught in the whirlpool. Things are looking grim for him at the moment.
- Kakariki's turn. He goes invisible to give himself as much of an advantage as possible when trying to shoot this Water Weird, which works. However, he's still grappled and restrained of course. He does get to give nearby Tobias some temp HP thanks to the High Priest title power he has! Blaze jumps into the water toward Marid and attacks him a couple times, applying a Hellish Wound at the same time.
- Tobias is up next. He uses his Psychic Boost ability to drain some strain from himself before manifesting a magnified Elsewhere power, teleporting himself, Rudas and Kakariki to relative safety outside of the whirlpool and flood/wave. This also has the side effect of reducing each of our speeds to zero until the end of his next turn, but that's fine because it gets Kakariki out of the grapple and restrained conditions, so he'll take it!
- Rudas is up next. He climbs up onto the bridge and casts Moonbeam on a nearby wavebender.
- Eylar's up. He casts Magic Missile and rids us of the southern wavebender and the flood/wave effect he conjured. Nice! He then flies toward the last remaining wavebender and hovers near him over the whirlpool.
- Marid's turn. He takes off away from Blaze, allowing an opportunity attack, which hits, and attacks Kakariki with an Aquatic Lash. It would've CRIT Kakariki, but Kakariki casts Silvery Barbs to make him reroll, preventing the crit, but it does still hit him. Tobias, with his own reaction, manifests Fortify creating a protective barrier which gives Kakariki resistance to cold damage. This prevents Kakariki from going down. Kakariki also loses his concentration on Haste because of this, causing Blaze to immediately become lethargic for a turn. However, Marid still has a couple attacks. The first causes Kakariki to go unconscious, and the next one hits, which auto-crits, causing Kakariki to immediately lose two death saves. Not looking good.
- Kakariki's turn. Blaze can't do anything to help, so it's just a death save for Kakariki. Luckily he JUST makes the death save with a TEN, letting him live just barely.
- Tobias reaches out to Kakariki and manifests a power that increases Kakariki's current and max HP by 16, effectively healing him, bringing him back from the brink. THANK YOU TOBIAS! Then Tobias moves away to the opposite side of the circular platform.
- Rudas is up next. He moves toward us and drops his scorpion Wild Shape. He's JUST within range of Kakariki and administers a Heal spell for a MASSIVE 70 hit points! Kakariki will gladly take that.
- Eylar's up. He Misty Steps onto the circular platform and gets right up in Marid's face and unleashes a flurry of attacks, using his Action Surge to do even more. Eylar gets the killing blow on Marid! Good riddance!
- With Marid gone, the last two remaining enemies fizzle out of existence as the Marid's magic is no longer present. Combat over.
- We search the area for loot.
That's it for this session!
Adventure Loot
33000gArmor of Invulnerability (LEGENDARY) 150,000gScroll of Protection (humanoids) 180g- Horn of Valhalla (Silver) (Eylar)
Periapt of Proof Against Poison 5000g