10.2 The Brine Leviathan
SESSION DATE: February 01, 2025
PRESENT: Rory, Kemurial, Lim Dul, Freya
Deep Dive
![[Rory - 10.2 The Brine Leviathan.wav]]
Adventure Photos
Adventure Song & Lyrics
![[The Brine Leviathan.mp4]]
World Anvil Journal
sooo... i wint to a mawkit to by thome mowe poshinth of thpeed and finawwy fownd thome and thin wint bak to find tha wetht of tha gwoop. we tawkd abowt wat to do nektht and we dethided to taik a fewy acwoth tha water to tha nektht town cald emberhode. i wint bak to twy to find jorj and i fownd him and i wath wike tho do u no n e thing elthe we shud no befor we hed owt and he wath wike nah not weewy but tha peepel in wildweech who arnt gonna fite r wetweeting tho they mutht no wath comin.
i want to twy to find a fewy for uth to uthe and thinthe i aint doin vewy gud at findin twailth and thtuff i maik shure the fewy we git hath a navgittator... navitagtor... perthon who nothe how to find wear they r goin and mabee i can wern thomethin fwom them.
firtht im wike u no mabee we shud chek on jethtin and thee how heth doin and kimiweel and fwaya r wike ya shure we can do that but dum dum juth doeth wat he alwayth doeth and jutht thith bak and waffth at evwy ideea we hav and thayth we r jutht wathtin tiem. dum dum mite no how to fite but he doethnt theem wike a teem pwayer unweth ith hith idea that we r gonna do. he fowwowth uth evin if he dont want too to go twy to find jethtin. we git to tha pwathe we think the gardth tuk him and the dorf guy at tha dethk wat naimd kane needilthper ow thomethin and he wath wike yah thith ith wear he wudv bin bwot but i dont thee him n e wear in my bukth and i dont thee n e won who caim in hear ath a werbor. well that dont theem wite cuz we paid tha gardth to bwing him hear to git heeld tho did they jutht taik the muny and do thomethin with jethtin or did jethtin git away and becom a full werbor and hurt them. i donno but dum dum thaith to fowgit it but we find a church of torm and tell them abowt wat hapind and they thaid they r woreed abowt mithin peepel wike that jutht befor a invashin.
n e way we go to tha dokth by tha wiver that goeth thwu the thity and fownd a fewy with a captin and a wayfindr perthon to taik uth acwoth to emberhode. we pay for the twip and i gaiv them thome ekthtwa muny to twy to lern how to find are way beter. thin we find a in and go to thweep.
the inkeepr waikd uth up and we wint bak to tha dokth and got on tha bote.
tha captin ith naimd tharke thtormfang and the bote ith cald the bwine wevithian wich thowndth cool to me. the wether ithnt vewy gud cuz we can thee a thtowm in tha dithtinthe but i feel wike well be ok. the ship ith in gud condishin tho we git on and thtawt tha twip. we thee thome mor thipth on tha water and wach them path by. we athk if ther ith n e thing we can do to help but tha captin thaith that they taik on all the jobth cuz u no thath wat we pade them for and wer wike ya ok that maikth thenthe. i twied to vithit the wayfindr guy to thee if i cud wern n e thing and i feel wike i did a witle bit but not much. ill hafta keep twyin. then i go bak to my cabin and bunk with kimiweel.
the nite wath fine but we got wokin up by a awarm bell wingin wike cwazy and evwybody wunnin awownd tho we got up to thee wat wath goin on. apawentwy thomewon or thomethin caim in and wekd all tha food overnite. well thtill be abel to maik the twip to emberhode but we wont be abel to taik n e detorth and thtuff. the captin thaid evwything ith methd up in tha thtorwoom. he callth evwywon up to tha top dek of tha ship and kimiweel ith wike hey i can maik shure evweywon tellth tha twuth and heth wike ooh yah thath a gud ideea tho well do that. the captin towd evwywon to git cwothe to kimiweel and kimiweel cathted hith thpell of twuth or watevr ith calld. the captin athkd evwybody a buncha quethchinth but nobody had n e thing to do with it tho ith theemth wike ther mutht be thomeone hidin owt on tha ship or comin on tha ship overnite or thomethin.
the captin towd uth to gwoop up with onwy won other perthon and we had to pik a cwewmait inthted of won nuther and go chek owt the ship to thee wat we can thee. i wint with tha wayfindr guy and we wint down to tha thtorwoom ithelf but we cudnt find n e thing wong ekthept that the food wath all bad and thcaterd and thtuff jutht wike the captin thaid. tha weerd thing ith that thith thtorwoom ith wite nektht to wear we wath thweepin and kimiweel and dum dum both thaid they dint thee or here n e thing duwin tha nite win they wath wachin.
we wint bak to the top dek and told them wat we fownd. then they thaid they fownd thome cwaw markth in the ship that we need to chek owt tho we to the bak of the ship and kimiweel got thome wope and cwimd down the thideth of tha ship and shure nuff he fownd thome cwaw markth on tha bak of the ship and he thaid ther r thome bawnikelth or thomethin mithin and it wookd weerd to him tho tha captin towd all hith cwew to git on tha wopeth and wook cwother.
jutht abowt thin we herd a wope thnap and won of the cwew at the bak of the ship thcweemd and fel into tha water and i wath wike MAN OVERBORD and we wookd over the bak of the ship and thaw that guyth hed bobbin up and down in the water and jutht thin kimiweel almotht got cut by a dager fwom a wat guy. ITH THE THKAVEN WAT MEN AGIN tho we mutht be gettin cwothe to the caoth. fwaya and i both fwew off tha ship to wook for the wat guy win he dithapperd but we cudnt find him. thin he jutht popd owt nektht to tha captin and twied to atak him but he mithd. fwaya thaw him pop owt and she shot thome thcorchin wayth at tha guy and took him owt eethy. kimiweel wint down into tha water to help the cwew guy git bak to tha ship and i fwew kimiweel bak up to tha ship after the short batel.
ith kinda weerd that thith wat guy wint diwekwy after tha captin but wuckiwy he mithd tho cudnt kill him but it wath a cwothe call. fwom now on we r gonna thtay in gwoopth of thwee jutht to maik shure thith doethnt hapin agin. i maik shure to thtay with tha wayfindr guy.
dwaugnir i hope evwything ith gud with u i no it ith but i think abowt u all tha tiem. i hope thingth r gud with my pawenth. i wuv them tho much.
Private Notes
- Rory searches a nearby market for any Potions of Speed. He's able to find some eventually. He purchases two for 800g.
- We discuss our next move. We determine it's probably best to take a ferry across the Trilake to Emberhold first and see what the tiefling city has to say about the current events.
- George says the non-military-type people in Wildreach are retreating to more ancestral areas. Those staying are meaning to defend the incoming invasion.
- Rory would like to find a ferry with its own captain and navigator. Rory hasn't been doing so well at leading the group along trails, so perhaps he needs a break, or someone to show him the ropes.
- First, we decide to check on Jestin wherever the guards took him. We head to the Cathedral Borough where they brought him. Kemurial is able to track down where he assumes someone like Jestin would've been taken. We arrive, and speak with the secretary at the desk, an older dwarf Kain Needlespur. He says "I have no record of a Jestin." We ask about anyone with his condition, the half-man-half-boar lycanthrope. He says this would be the place they'd bring him, but he has no such records. He checks another record book, and doesn't see any mention of lycanthropy. Kemurial asks where we might be able to find out which guards were working the gate we entered in. He suggests going back to that same ward, or going to the Lower Lion's Ward to make an official inquiry.
- After a short discussion, we decide to just forget Jestin as that's what Lim Dul seems to want. It sure seems Lim Dul is nearly always fully against any ideas the rest of the group comes up with and just sits back laughing smugly as though he's the most capable person alive. He's really starting to get on Rory's nerves.
- We find a basilica dedicated to Torm, and pass on the information about our concern for the people. But we also feel the burden of a city preparing for war. A missing person with a dangerous curse leading up to a potential invasion is concerning.
- Rory looks for a ferryman with a navigator. He's able to find someone pretty easily for 1s per mile, so 4g should cover the trip. Rory inquires about the possibility of learning how to navigate better from this crew. It'll cost another 25g for that. Rory will take the chance on that. We'll meet the crew at first light to embark.
- In the meantime, we search for lodging, and find some modest accommodations for 5s each.
- We're woken by the innkeeper at first light. Onward to the ferry.
- We meet with the captain named Sszarek Stormfang at the docks. The boat is called The Brine Leviathan.
- The weather is a bit gray, and looking westward, we can see a storm brewing. Just our luck.
- Kemurial looks at the ship, and sees it's in good condition. It has seem some age, but is a good ship. It's well kept by the captain and crew. It's a business, afterall.
- This part of the ship goes by just fine. Through the spotter's scope, they spot another vessel, likely a commercial one, traveling north to south toward Meliora. No incidents with the vessel. Night closes in. Kemurial asks if there is anything we can do to help. The captain says the crew takes on all responsibilities, but should things go rough, he welcomes our assistance as he looks at our gear.
- Rory checks in with the navigator, seeing what he might be able to learn from him. Rory feels he's learned a little bit, but I suppose he'll have to wait and find out.
- Kemurial and Lim Dul explore the boat, checking out the views.
- Eventually, we retire for the night.
- There are four cabins, and there is room for two in each cabin. Rory says he doesn't want to bunk with Lim Dul. It'll be Freya with Friar Karl, Rory with Kemurial, and Lim Dul by himself.
- We are woken to the sound of a ringing bell at what would normally be the breakfast hour. This is not a normal bell. It's an alarm. Frantic footsteps can be heard all throughout the ship. Captain Stormfang is shouting orders. Rory jumps out of bed and runs to the captain to ask what he can do to help. The captain is in a heated discussion with his sailors. "How can this have happened. There's no way!" The captain gives orders to his crew. He turns to us and says "It seems that last night, as far as we can tell, someone or something has messed with our supplies. Our food is ruined." We ask for details. He says food was spilled and trodden on, covered in water, etc. Obviously it was sabotage. It's now under guard by two men. We mention that we held watch all night and didn't notice anything.
- We offer our assistance to help find the saboteur(s). Kemurial and Lim Dul ask. The captain asks Kemurial to speak privately. They discuss Kemurial's earlier offer to use magic to make people speak truthfully. He'd like to know whether it can be done discreetly, but Kemurial is unable to be covert about it. They could choose not to answer. Those being questioned should be told as such. Kemurial suggests that Freya might be able to help in a more covert way, using her ability to Detect Thoughts.
- The captain says "I see no other way." He then approaches the helm and calls out "ALL HANDS CENTER DECK, NOW!" All crew comes up on to the top deck and lines up as the captain ordered. He says we're all aware of the apparent sabotage. The vessel can still reach the destination without issue, but we can't afford to stray far from course now. He announces that Kemurial is a paladin of Mystra. He explains that Kemurial will be casting Zone of Truth and how it works. Kemurial displays the pommel of his sword, which features the reliquary of Mystra. The captain asks that all be willing to answer some questions while within the zone. Lim Dul and Rory look around the crew, looking for anyone who looks offput by this suggestion. Lim Dul finds one that stands out to him, having an involuntary negative reaction. Freya turns her attention to the one who stood out and immediately begins her Detect Thoughts feature on that person.
- Kemurial casts the Zone of Truth. The captain says "Very well. Does anyone here have any information about who did this, or how it was done?" Everyone says no. There are some responses about how it could've been done, but it's speculative. Nobody refuses to answer, however. Kemurial asks if the ship is known to have been haunted or the such, and he says "Oh here we go..." We say that we only have ten minutes. Not enough time for storytime at the moment! The captain says nothing has been deeply investigated as of now, but a thorough investigation will start very soon. The captain asks Esmund, the one Lim Dul saw react earlier, if he is certain he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Esmund denies everything. Freya focuses her attention on this crewmate with her Detect Thoughts. Freya suggests that this particular crewmate may just be anxious. We ask if anyone has anything pertinent to share. One crewmate speaks up saying "I've noticed that our meat supply previously had been slightly more than average been declining. I had assumed that one of the lads might have been taking an extra ration at some point, but I have no proof of this." Everyone also denies taking extra helpings of rations. Nobody here but Freya has the ability to shapeshift, and Freya says she hasn't done so in the last 24 hours. Captain asks if there are any other questions. No more questions, so now the investigation will begin in earnest. Freya continues detecting thoughts and whatnot, but also casts See Invisibility to look for hidden stowaways.
- The captain thanks everyone for their trust and willingness to participate, hoping everyone understands the implications and responsibility of what has happened. He orders all crew and guests to split into pairs such that nobody moves around the ship alone. Rory requests to pair up with the ship's navigator, of course. Lim Dul and Freya stick together with one other crewmate, Kemurial stays with the captain, and Friar Karl stays with another crewmate.
- Rory goes down to the lower level of the ship with the navigator to investigate the storeroom where things actually went down. This room in particular is heavily ransacked. Anything that was supposed to be dry is now wet, salted porks in barrels have been exposed to the elements, things are trodden on all over the place. Rory pays special attention to the fact that it's so close to where we slept last night, that neither of our watch saw or heard anything. There doesn't appear to be any windows in this room, and it seems the only door into or out of this room faces the hallway where are rooms were, meaning whoever, or whatever, is responsible would've had to come past our rooms to enter the storeroom. Rory looks for any hidden doors, windows or other hidden entrances, but finds none. Interesting.
- We all reconvene at the top of the ship. The captain says the only thing we haven't done is check the exterior of the ship. He says he can have his men harness up and lower themselves to investigate the hull.
- Rory climbs up to the crow's nest to see if there might be a hidden stowaway up there, and also to get a higher perspective of things in the immediate area in the water, but sees nothing anywhere. He then climbs back down to the main deck.
- Kemurial climbs out the side of the ship rigged up in a harness and rope. He doesn't see anything out of the ordinary on the starboard side, but does notice what appears to be claw marks on the stern, along with some odd patterns of missing barnacles under the water line. He doesn't notice anything else on the bottom of the ship or port side. He comes back up and reports his findings to the captain. The captain seems intrigued, noting that if they ever hit something, there'd be evidence of that at the bow, so it's odd for there to be such things found on the stern.
- The captain orders his crew to climb over all sides of the ship to investigate further. At first, we don't hear anything. But eventually, we hear the snap of a rope and the screams of one of the crew at the rear of the ship before finally hearing a splash. Rory yells "MAN OVERBOARD!" and runs to the stern. We look overboard and see the head of the crewmate bobbing above the water. He yells "IT'S ON THE BACK OF THE SHIP! iT'S A SKAVEN!" We look down to where he's pointing. INITIATIVE!!!
- Kemurial is the first to come face to face with the skaven as it attempts to stab him with a dagger, but misses. The skaven retreats.
- Freya casts Fly on herself and flies out over the water to search for the skaven. She finds it, points it out, and immediately proceeds to crit it with Eldritch Blast. Still on fire with those!
- Rory sprouts his own wings and flies out over the water to shoot at the creature using his crossbow. He misses. Phooey.
- Suddenly, we see a cloud of black smoke pop into existence around the skaven, giving it just enough time to escape out of our sight. Lim Dul calls for Freya to cast See Invisibility again.
- Freya hears Lim Dul and flies upward towards the boat again while casting See Invisibility.
- Kemurial asks Rory if he can fly him up to the ship. Rory says yes, so Kemurial uses Misty Step and appears on Rory's back. Rory wasn't exactly prepared for this, so perhaps we'll see if Rory catches him well enough to fly him up to the deck.
- Lim Dul listens for the skaven.
- The skaven swipes his dagger at the captain, narrowly missing him. However, this causes the skaven to reveal himself.
- Freya unleashes three Scorching Rays at the skaven, killing it. Combat over.
- Rory brings Kemurial back up to the ship deck.
- The captain looks disappointed. He says he's not as good as he once was, having missed the skaven at point blank range.
- Lim Dul searches the skaven. While doing so, the body decomposes quickly, turning into a barely recognizable mound of goo.
- Lim Dul points out that the skaven went specifically for the captain, of all the crew on the ship, and asks who he is. He says he's just the captain, and is unsure why he'd be targeted. Lim Dul suggests the captain have at least two bodyguards at all times as long as he's being targeted like this. He concurs. He questions why they went for the food supply instead of just coming directly for him. We suggest that the ship wasn't supposed to make it to its destination and that he wasn't meant to live.
- We look over the ship once more looking for more skaven or the like. We find nothing.
- We offer our services assisting with security for the remainder of the voyage.
- We retire for the rest of the day. Same bunking setup, same watch setup.
That's it for this session!
Adventure Loot
- Poison Dagger (Lim Dul)
- Studded Leather