10.3 What Mysteries Does Emberhold

SESSION DATE: February 08, 2025
PRESENT: Rory, Freya, Lim Dul, Kemurial

Deep Dive

![[Rory - 10.3 What Mysteries Does Emberhold_.wav]]

Adventure Photos

Emberhold Harbor.png
Emberhold Map.png
Emberhold Bone Dice.png
Emberwake Tavern Balcony.png
Guardian of Faith Attacking Nurgling Swarm.png
A Doomwhel Rolls.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[What Mysteries Does Emberhold_.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

sooo... we wath abel to thweep jutht fien and wen we woke up we wint to tha captin to thee if evwything wath ok and it wath. dum dum wookd for thingth fowwowin uth but dint find n e thing tho he towd tha captin that ith pwobabwy a gud idea to thtawt fishin for food tho they thwu a net down in tha watr to cach thome fish. i towd the captin that i wud help with watevr they needed and thin wint and that with tha wayfindr guy thome mor. i akshuwy wern thomethin thith tiem but he towd me it wud take a wile to figur owt but im wiwwin to wern.

we can thee a buncha thity witeth popin up in tha dithtinthe and the wayfindr guy thaid thath emberhode tho we maid it finawy. we git off tha bote and thee a buncha teefwingth at the harber.

kimiweel wookth for a town cwier to thee if ther ith n e thing worth chekin owt. he doethnt find won but he doeth find a methage bord with a buncha thtuff on it tawking abowt thith and that but won of them cacheth are i. it tawkth abowt the n m e ith cwother than we think and to wach owt for thpyth and thtuff and were wike well thath kinda why we caim hear tho we gonna chek that owt. the naim on ith thayth captin wedwic vane and to wook owt for peepel athkin to many kwethchinth abowt thuppwieth and thtuff tho im wike ooh i betr go tel captin thawek abowt thith tho thath wat i do. kimiweel and dum dum thaid they r gonna twy to find owt thome mor info tho i hed off to the captin. kimiweel thaid to meat bak at a tavrin cald the emberwaik tavrin.

i maik shur to tell him to wach owt for that thinthe that thkavin twied to meth up are thuppieth on tha way ovr hear. he thankth me and thayth heth gona twy to git in with tha gardth and listen owt for thingth wike that.

thin i figur thinthe wer on thith twip the gwoop mite wike thome thoovenethrth... thoovenirith... thingth to wemembew thith pwathe tho i twy to find a shop that thellth thing wike that or won that can maik thtuff wike that but nuthin ith opin hear. i wint to anuther mawket awea and fownd won pwathe that that thome dithe with the emberhode thimbel on it tho i bot that and a powch with a bo to put them in.

i wath gonna giv it to dum dum thinthe he kinda theemth down on hith wuck but win i got bak to emberwaik tavrin i thaw fwaya and dady karl pwayin thome kinda dithe gaim tho ill pwobabwy giv the dithe to won of them inthted. they athk me if i wanna pway and i do but thin kimiweel and dum dum git bak and put a thtop to that. why cant we hav n e fun awownd hear ethpethiwy with dum dum awownd. ith wike he ith awergic to fun or thomethin.

n e way dum dum thaid he fownd thomewon that thaid wat hapind on tha ship ith awtho hapenin hear in emberhode. that doethnt thownd gud thinthe ther ith a invashin comin thoon. he thaid peepel r goin mithin ethpeshuwy peepel in tha gard and thtuff but they wanna keep that on tha downlo tho peepel dont thtawt fweekin owt. but im wike how doeth he no abowt it thin and why r they tewwin uth abowt it if ith thupothd to be a thecwet. eether thith guy jutht hapinth to no abowt it or mabee heth pawt of it who nothe.

kimiweel thaid he fownd owt that the invaderth r maid up of thome beetht men and bawbawienth wike me i gueth thath not gud. he dont no if ther r n e deeminth with them but at weetht we no a bit mowe abowt wat we mite be fitin thoon. he awtho minchind that the miwisha ith gettin thiner wike ther goin mithin jutht wike dum dum thaid. that theemth to be a comin thwed and ith vewy thuthpithith to me.

we wint bak to tha harber to tawk to the captin abowt thith but he thaid to come bak tomawow.

we wath goin bak to tha tavrin win all a thuddin A MANTH BODY FELL OUTTA THA THKY AND WANDED ON FWAYA WIKE WAT THA HEK ITH GOIN ON tho i wook up and i thee a shado move bak behind tha woof. i popd my wingth owt and tuk off fwying toward it. thith perthon ith twyin to git away and ith wunnin vewy fatht tho i dwank anuther poshin of thpeed and tuk off after him fathter than he cud wun. i thtawted gettin cwothe and win i got cwothe enuff i shot him with my cwothbow and hit him but thin he jutht vanishd. i twy to fowwow hith bwud twale but ith nite tiem tho i cant thee it vewy gud and jutht giv up for now and go bak to tha gwoop to tel them wat i thaw.

i dint thee thim win i got bak tho i wint inthide the tavrin and fownd them ther. dady karl thaid he wath abel to bwing him bak and tho i that down and withend to them tawk abowt wat hapind.

wong thtowy showt tha guy ith a hi wank ofishel with tha gard and thaid he wath tawgetid by thith guy and wukiwy we wer their to wevive him jutht in tiem. at firtht the guy dint twutht uth and kept athkin who we r and who we wepowt to and thtuff but were wike man we jutht bwot u bak if we wath evil we wud hav jutht weft u waying there on tha gwownd for thomewon elthe to cween up tho cut uth thome thwack ok and he wath wike ya u rite. he towd uth a buncha thtuff abowt wat they no abowt the kaoth invashin and thtuff and he menchinth that thereth a cult in emberhode with a buncha hooded guyth goin into a pwathe dithgithed ath a thewwar neerby. we thank him for tha info and he gith up and weeveth with thome other gardth in cwoketh and hoodth. they wemind me of tha cultithth we jutht tawkd abowt tho thath awtho kinda thuthpithith to me.

kimiweel athkth wat we shud do nektht tho we come up with a pwan to thee who ith goin in thith pwathe. im wike we cud pwobabwy thcowt the awea awownd there hidin pwathe and maik are cwoketh wook wike thereth but thin dum dum cutth me off wile i wath tawkin and bathicwy thaiyth the thame thing and i jutht wook at dum dum and im wike ya dum dum gwate pwan you alwayth hav tha betht pwanth and nowon eltheth pwanth are evr betr than urth tho we shud do that. heth gettin on my watht nerv. fwaya thaid she cud maik herthelf invithibel or she cud maik herthelf a thpider or thomethin and go in and thee wat she can thee and were wike ya that thownd betr.

we maik r way jutht down tha thweet to a dwinkin pwathe and jutht wach. fwaya maikth herthelf a thpider and i uthe my beetht thenthe to thee wat she theeth and she goeth into the cewwar. we thee wong tunel and a pwathe that goeth down wike a thwide and a wadder and a bwokin cawt and thin a hyuge woom but we caint thee patht it and fwaya ith wike ya im not goin in ther if i cant thee whath in ther tho she headth bak to uth.

win she gith bak she turnth bak into fwaya and tellth uth all wat she thaw and akthth uth wat we wanna do nektht. i wook at dum dum and am wike all u thinthe u got onwy the betht ideath and im wike ill do wat he thayth i gueth. we tawk abowt thtayin hear and wachin thome mowe and im wike well how wong do peepel nowmawwy thtay in a pwathe wike thith and theyr wike well thome peepel thtay a wile and thome dont jutht dependth on how much they dwink. thereth no woomth to thtay in hear tho thin im wike well mabee won of uth cud thtay and dwink but thin u dont wanna get tho dwunk that u caint thee cwearwy and thtuff. and thin dum dum intewupth me agin and thayth we r gettin thidetwakd tho i think we shud jutht taik wacheth wear we dwink for a few ourth and then ith thomewon eltheth turn to wach and dwink and im wike O YA GWATE IDEA DUM DUM Y DINT I THINK OF THAT YOU ALWAYTH GOT THA BETHT IDEEATH AND IM THOOOOOO THOWY ABOWT GETIN THIDETWAKD CUZ I DEFNITWY WATHNT GETTIN AT THAT KINDA PWAN MYTHELF THO YE WETHT DO UR PWAN INTHTED and then i walk owt thaying COME GIT ME WIN ITH MY TURN TO WACH and hed bak to the tavrin and git thome thweep. dum dum ith thith cwothe to theein wat it feelth wike to be on tha other end of my gwatethord if he doethnt wet me jutht tawk thometimeth and keep thteewin my ideeath ath hith own wike that. i no im dum and thtoopid but i at weatht wanna feel wike wat i hav to tha ith vawid u no wat i meen.

n e way thomewon waikth me up and i go to wach. i dont thee n e thing and i tell them ath much. the otherth all thaw won or to peepel go in and thome were teefwingth and won wath anuther thkavin wat guy. we tawk abowt how we wanna do thith. r we gonna go in thwingin or r we gonna be quite and thtelthy. wile we wath dithcuthin it fwaya thendth a methage to the captin thanking him fow bein wiwwing to meat with uth today but thomethin caim up that we gotta deel with and we wish him well on hith jurny.

we dethide we r gonna twy to be thtelthy tho i by a poshin of invthibitwy... invithibwitwty... u can't thee me tho win we git in ther i can be mowe thtelthy.

we maik r way into tha cewwar. i dwink tha poshin and taik tha weed. evwybody fowwowth and we go down tha thwopd awea me and fwaya thaw befor. win we git to tha wadder the wallth thtawk to shaik and thome thtone fallth away. thereth a buncha nergwingth all of a thuddin and up at the top of tha wadder ther ith a thkavin in a makth that thwowth down a viel of gween poithon cwowdth and thin taikth off wunnin. dady karl thummind a gardien of fathe that helpd uth owt a wot with theeth thwarmth of nergwingth and we wath abel to taik them owt eethy enuff. tho much for that poshin of u cant thee me tho. that wath a big wathte of muny.

n e way we keep goin up tha wadder and we git to tha bwoken cawt we thaw befor. i find won buk that u can weed and ith all abowt the dawk thecweth of ditheetheth and pwageth and thtuff and a poshin of cwiming. i hand the poshin to dady karl and we keep goin.

we git to tha giant dawk woom we thaw befor and ith vewy hyuge. ther r thome thtawagmiteth and wockth all over tha pwathe and ther r a cuppla waithed aweath and their ith a minecawt and thome wood but other than that there ith nuthin hear tho we keep goin down a path on tha other thide of the woom.

thith path hath thome wike dwag mawkth all awong it. win we git to tha end we thee thome hyuge woodin dorth and we can here a thownd wike metel on metel. we thtawt to get cwother and withen cwother but thin the dorth thuddinwy thwing opin and there ith a HYUGE WOODIN WEEL WITH DETH THPIKETH AND WITENING THPEEDIN TORD UTH. i yell we gotta wun and turn awownd to wun.

dwaugnir if ur their we gonna need thome help and pweethe gwant me the pashinthe to deel with dum dum thankth.

Private Notes

That's it for this session!

Adventure Loot