10.4 Vroom Vroom! (Milestone - 11th Level!)
SESSION DATE: February 15, 2025
PRESENT: Rory, Lim Dul, Freya, Kemurial
Deep Dive
![[Rory - 10.4 Vroom Vroom!.wav]]
Adventure Photos
Adventure Song & Lyrics
![[Vroom Vroom!.mp4]]
World Anvil Journal
sooo... we cud here thomethin behind tha wood dorth that thownded wike metel wubbin metel and dint no wat it wath but thin the dorth jutht bwew wide opin and ther wath a big weel with a wat man dwivin it and it had a buncha witening comin fwom it and he twied to wun uth all over. he twied to shoot me with witening but thomehow it mithd me and he jutht kept dwivin over uth. i twied to git a gud thwing at the weel ath it wint patht me but it dint thtop it. thothe thpiketh hurt tho. and thin tha wat guy twied to put me on tha gwownd but i wath abel to keep thtandin up tho that wath cwothe.
tha guy kept goin all tha way to tha big woom we jutht caim fwom and thith thing ith THUPER FATHT tho i tuk won of my poshinth of thpeed and tuk off after him. i fownd it agin and i thtawted fwyin with my wingth tho i cud twy to fwy thwu the midel of tha weel to nok the wat man off of the contwolth but he kept hangin on for deer wife. and thin he calld fow help and a bunch mowe wat guyth caim owt of tha wallth or thomethin. i twied to cownt how miny ther wath but i wan owt of fingewth and toeth tho ther wath a buncha them. a cuppel of them evin had thothe wowd bang thingth wike wethin utheth and thothe hurt vewy bad.
and then tha guy dwivin tha weel calld owt to hith fwindth and maid them all atak me. they all wan tord me and shot at me with thothe boom thingth and thwingth and thordth and thtuff. i wath abel to doge motht of it but they hurt pwetty gud thtill. i hafta git bak to my fwindth and git a heel or thomethin. tho i twy to move jutht wite tho i can thwow my witenin javwin at the weel and hit thome of the thkavin thingth to and i am abel to do that and bweathe fier on them to no pwobwem thin i fwy bak to the gwoop.
i thee kimiweel and dum dum comin awownd tha cowner. i fwy patht them and git to dady karl tho he can heel me but i fowgot he caint thee n e thing tho he hath to git owt a torch firtht and im wike oh ya sowy i forgot and heth wike no wowwieth i got u and he heeld me and i thaid thankth and wint bak to fite thome mor.
ath i got bak fwaya shot a fierbal into the cwowd wich wath cool and kimiweel wath in the midel of evwything elthe and he shined a bwite wite fwom hith wobe and that maid almotht evwythin awownd him thtund tho that maid it a wot eethier to taik a buncha them owt. wile he did that i fwew up to tha thniperth up on tha cwiff by tha wall and took them owt tho they caint shoot uth no more and thin i wint for tha weel agin.
i kept twyin to push tha dwiver guy owt of hith theet but he wathnt bujin. fwaya cathded her thpell to turn tha wat guy into jutht a weguwar wat and that theemd wike it wath gonna work but thin tha guy wath wike nope and it dint work. wat do we gotta do to git thith guy owt of hear.
kimiweel cathded hith thpell to tole tha ded or thomethin and that won workd tho mabee we r werin him down pwetty gud now tho i twied agin to nok him owt of tha theet and wadya no IT WORKD HETH FINAWY OWT OF THA WEEL AND WE CAN TAIK CONTWOL OF IT. i got him pwone on tha gwownd tho i yelld to kimiweel or fwaya about it and thee if they wanted to twy to dwive thith weel thing. fwaya twied to catht powymorf on tha dwiver agin and thith tiem it workd to tho now the wat guy ith jutht a wat on the fwoor.
kimiweel caim up to tha weel and got in and twied to contwol it. at firtht he dint hav a good feel for it. he hit a butin or thomethin and it shot owt a bote of witening and it hit tha wat guy thath jutht a wat and turnd him bak into a wat guy oopth. kimiweel keepth twyin to figur owt tha contwolth on the weel wile we finish off tha wat guy.
i got a gud hit on him and nokd him up in tha air and i acthidentwy hit that bote of witenin butin and hit him with witenin and now tha wat guy ith ded and all tha otherth wan away. i dont bwame them.
kimiweel finawy ith abel to get gud contwol of the weel and he theemd to be havin fun but thometiemth i caint tel mabee heth not havin fun who nothe.
we maik shure to wook thwu evewythin to wook for thome good thtuff and we fownd a majik wepin and a nekwathe and thome awmow that wetth u catht thpellth fwom it or thomethin wich ith pwetty cool and we fownd a buncha muny to.
we dethide to wetht for a wittle bit and wile we wath wethtin kimiweel tawkd to me abowt wunnin away fwom tha gwoop wike that tho we can maik pwanth befor jutht goin in withowt nowin wat were gonna do. i tode him im thowy and wud twy not to do that agin and that i wath jutht twyin to catch up with tha fatht weel befor it cud git away and dint no ther wud me a bunch mowe thkavin in tha other woom. he wath jutht wike ya thath why ith a gud idea to maik pwanth and im wike ya ur wite i shudnt do that.
dwaugnir we gotta keep goin tho pweethe help uth however u can thankth.
Private Notes
- The wooden doors burst open with the sound of crackling electricity in the air. One of the skaven screams "YES, YES. KILL! Kill!" INITIATIVE!!!
- The Doom Wheel immediately begins charging toward us, targets Rory with a lightning attack, and is able to move through our squares. It deals damage as it passes through us.
- And it has legendary resistances!
- And legendary actions! The skaven piloting this wheel tries to sweep Rory off his feet.
- As the wheel takes off into the huge cavernous room, Rory takes flight while Hasted and takes off after it. He reaches it and tries to knock the skaven out of the wheel, but is unable to do so this turn.
- As Rory is chasing the wheel, he hears the falling and shifting of stone. He looks around and sees about TWO DOZEN more skaven appear on the mesas on the edges of the cavernous room.
- The skaven on the Doom Wheel uses a Legendary Action to order all skaven within 120' of him to move toward Rory and attack him. Luckily most miss. That could've been really bad.
- Rory maneuvers strategically to align himself with a row of enemies and chucks his Javelin of Lightning through them and at the Doom Wheel, hitting it and dealing damage to everything in its path. He then breathes fire on the skaven in the same row, taking them all out. It's a start!
- Freya casts an effective Fireball into the room, taking out four or five more of the little rat men.
- The Doom Wheel moves in range of his skaven buddies and once again orders them all to move toward and attack Rory using its Commander of the Vermintide legendary action. Rory's in for it again!
- Kemurial enters the fray just as Rory retreats to Friar Karl in hopes of getting a heal. Luckily Friar Karl obliges.
- Kemurial uses his robe's ability to cast Scintillating Colors and stuns most of the skaven in the central part of the room, which significantly helps us turn the tide against the skaven!
- Rory flies back into the fight with renewed vigor and takes out both snipers and one of their shield skaven.
- Rory then flies back to the Doom Wheel and once again tries to wrest control of the wheel from the skaven. He almost succeeds, the but the pilot skaven uses another Legendary Resistance to barely hang on to the controls.
- Freya attempts to Polymorph the pilot skaven into, ironically, a regular rat, and it starts to shift into its new form, but it retains its form as it uses a third Legendary Resistance to resist the change. One of us is bound to take control of this wheel!
- Apparently the pilot only has three Legendary Resistances. Kemurial casts Toll the Dead on him and he does NOT have the ability to resist it! With it, he does some good damage to the skaven.
- Seeing his opportunity, Rory tries once again to knock this skaven out of the driver's seat... AND SUCCEEDS! Finally! The driver is knocked prone next to the machine. Rory makes an attack at him and then yells at the group that he's got him prone on the ground and someone should come try to take control of this machine. I really hope that one of the PCs is able to control this thing because that would just be tons of fun!
- On his next turn, Kemurial approaches the vehicle and attempts to control it, but unfortunately is unable to fully and competently do so. However, he causes the vehicle to fire a bolt of lightning, hitting the Polymorphed rat rat, causing him to revert to his regular rat form. Kemurial continues to try to figure out how to control the vehicle.
- Rory gets a good crit on the warlord, then finishes him off by knocking him upward in the air, and accidentally grazing the button/lever that fires a lightning bolt, hitting the skaven mid-air. He falls smoking and sizzling to the ground. Combat over.
- Kemurial takes a moment to orient himself to the Doom Wheel's controls, and is able to figure out how to drive it! Vroom vroom, baby!
- We take some time to search the bodies before taking a short rest.
- Kemurial lectures Rory on sticking with the group so we can make plans of attack in situations like this where enemies take off instead of chasing after them. Rory takes note of his concerns, apologizes and says that he didn't know there'd suddenly be a bajillion skaven around the corner soon.
That's it for this session!