11.1 The Fast and the Friarous

SESSION DATE: February 22, 2025
PRESENT: Rory, Kemurial, Lim Dul, Freya

Deep Dive

![[Rory - 11.1 The Fast and the Friarous.wav]]

Adventure Photos

The Fast and the Friarous.png
Green Tiefling in Emberhold.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[The Fast and the Friarous.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

sooo... we wetht a wittle bit by a camp fier and thin ith tiem to go. dady karl witeth up a torch and taikth off in tha doom weel up tha hal way were the doom weel caim fwom and we fowwoed him to tha big woodin dorth. dum dum withenth to twy to here thtuff and he thayth he hereth thome boiwowwoing and it thowndth goopy or thomethin. dady karl twieth to shoot a witenin bote at tha dor but it doethnt theem to do much tho heth wike hay u guyth beter stand bak and thin he goeth thtwate at tha dor and wunth it over and it bwaketh the dor down.

inthide we thee a teefwing and a gween caldwin and ith bubbwin wike cwathy and tha guyth wike hay thankth for givin me nuff tiem to catht my thpell and dithparppeerth and thin a gwate big wed guy cwimbth owt of tha caldwin. he kinda wookth wike me but not weewy and he heth mowe awmth than me. welp i gueth we gonna fite it now. i twy to git to him but jutht ath i git into tha woom ther ith thomethin elthe on the theewing that i dint thee that wookth wike a meltid candel or thomethin and it shooth owt thome tindwelth or thomethin but they mith me but thin he gith into mah hed and ith wike kill dady karl and im wike ya okay i can do that but wike i caint contwol it. i haf to git to dady karl and kill him evin if i dont wanna do it i feel tho bad. tho i taik owt my cwothbow and shoot him but wukiwy i mith him. tha big guy gwapelth dady karl and thin dady karl cathth a gawdien thpell tho he thummond thomethin to help uth fite. kimiweel cathth a thpell that pwotekth me fwom evel. i twy to wun up to dady karl to atak him but hith gawdien atakd me firtht and that maketh me come owt of tha candel guyth command thankth to kimiweelth thpell he cathted on me tho now i turn awownd and atak tha big guy. I get thome gud hith on him.

dum dum taikth contwol of tha doom weel and he twieth to shoot a witenin bote at the candel but he mitheth it. he dwiveth tha doom weel away fwom uth but he akthidentwy wunth over kimiweel and fwaya who wint invithible duwin tha fite and we dint notithe oopth. evin tho sheth invithbleibel we no wear she ith cuz she shooth owt a buncha thcowchin wayth and elwich bwathtth wile sheth movin awownd. she hith with evwy won of them to tho thath awethom. tha big guy twieth to atak kimiweel but heth abel to catht sheeld and he doethnt hit him and thin he thkweetheth dady karl and hurtth him pwetty gud but cuz of that i thaw a opturnutity to atak win he wathtnt wookin and wath abel to taik him owt and tho he dwopth dady karl win he dieth.

now we jutht gotta git tha candel guy. tha candel guy twieth to atak dum dum and hith him but thin dum dum punishd him and maid him huwt himthelf to tho thath cool. thith thing ith kinda hawd to hit heth dojin jutht abowt evwything we thwow at it. kimiweel twieth to hit it with a burtht thpell but thothe mith him and dum dum twieth to hit it with anuther witenin bote but that mitheth him to. i hit it with my cwothbo pwetty gud tho. thin fwaya jutht thayth enuff of thith and pullth it off tha theewing and thwowth it down at my feet and that theemd to hurt it thome. thin it catht a thpell that maketh him gathy and kimiweel twieth to thtop it fwom workin but heth abel to git it off n e way nithe twy kimiweel.

thin kimiweel and hith dier woof move up to him and atak it but win they hit the candel guy it maikth him teweport away fwom uth. thith guy ith thwipewy. dum dum dwiveth the doom weel ath cwothe ath he cud git to wear the candel guy tewepowted to and he finawy hith him with a witenin bote but it doethnt theem to do ath much ath he thot it wud but hay at weeth he finawy hit him with tha witenin.

i dont want thith guy gittin away fwom uth tho i wun up to him and jutht unwode on him and finawwy we r abel to kill him. now we can finawwy twy to figur owt wath goin on hear.

we wook awownd tha woom and find thome kinda thpinnin weel with geerth or thomethin and on a tabel nektht to it ith thome candelth and a bokth and thome funy wookin coword wokth thittin ther. i wemembew theein thethe kinda thtoneth all tha way bak at karka ate peekth a wong tiem ago and ther wike thith pauerful kaoth thtuff cald worpthtone and it pwobabwy ithnt n e thing we wanna meth with cuz ith bad thtuff tho i tel tha gwoop we shud pwobabwy jutht weave them awone. kimiweel thayth thomethin abowt them bein fwom tha moon or thomethin i dont no n e thing abowt that but it thowndth cool. ther r altho thome thcwapth of thcwolth and bookth kinda thcaterd awownd but nuthin we can uthe. ther r thome mushwoomth awong tha wall to and ther r a cupla ded teefwing bodieth waying on a tabel. thay r pwobabwy tha wonth that caim in duwing tha nite. thay hav bwud on them and ith kinda gween to.

tha gween caldwin ith thtill boiwowoing and thmokin and dum dum walkth up to it and athkth me to help him tip it over onto the wokth and tha tabel and tha metel geerth and tha doom weel and thtuff. i help him do it and wer abel to git it to thpill but jutht ath we do tha wall nektht to the caldwin and tha woof abuv it fallth down on uth both and it hurth vewy bad.

win we git up we notith that thereth a hoe in tha wall that goeth to a thecwet woom with a cwate in it tho thath awethome. we dig thwu it and find a buncha gode and thome majik awmer.

kimiweel thayth he thentheth thome kinda etheral owa or thomethin comin fwom tha cawt in hear. i think thath kinda weerd but i dont athk him abowt it. he dint theem to think it wath thuper impotent.

we dethide to go to thweep and git thome wetht tho i wint up to tha tunel wear we killd tha candel guy and i withend for n e thing comin fwom tha wadder at the other end of thith short tunel thath filld with twapth but i cudnt here n e thing tho i thay ith cweer and we can wetht. i giv fwaya my thcwoll of awarm and she put it by the wadder and dady karl cathth anuther gardien thpell to keep owt n e body fwom comin in fwom tha bwoken dorth were we caim fwom. the nite wath fine and we got a gud wetht.

win we waik up we twy to figur owt how to git patht tha twapth and thin fwaya ith wike hay dont forgit i can maik dorth to git uth patht it and were wike oh yah we fowgot and thin she cathth the thpell and we all go thwu tha dor and up the wadder. it wed to a wittel woom and we opind tha dor and wadya no wer bak in emberhode jutht down tha wode fwom were we thtawted.

kimiweel thinkth tha cowupt teefwing guy ith valthor and we havint theen him thinthe yethterday win we fot hith big guy and tha candel guy and we hav no ideea were he wint.

and thin we thpent tha nektht wittel bit goin awownd and thpendin the gode and thtuff we jutht fownd. i wath abel to git my thcawe male workd on tho now i can maik it catht a thpell that maikth it hawder for thingth to hit me and i got my wepin workd on and it can hit harder with wite and it can bwind n m eeth tho thath cool.

dwaugnir thank u for helpin uth thwu that pwathe. can u pweethe wet my famiwy no i wuv them and i think abowt them evwy day. thay did tho much for me win i wath a kid and i jutht wanna git bak to them and giv them a big ol hug. pweethe help me with that and maik shure they r thafe thankth.

Private Notes

That's it for this session!

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