11.2 Skyway to the Danger Zone

SESSION DATE: March 08, 2025
PRESENT: Rory, Kemurial, Lim Dul, Freya

Deep Dive

![[Rory - 11.2 Skyway to the Danger Zone.wav]]

Adventure Photos

A Meeting with Dwarves.png
Spirit of Grugni.png
Maximillian Schreiber.png
Rory in a Gyrocopter.png
Rory Accidentally Brings Down Tower with Bombs.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[Skyway to the Danger Zone.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

sooo... kimiweel thaid we shud git a dithgithe or thomethin in caith we r beein fowwowed and im wike yah thath a gud ideea but dum dum dint think tho. i wint and got thomethin to help me dithgithe mythef jutht in cathe i need it.

thin we wint bak to tha emberwaik tavrin and thaw vaywin ther andtho we talkd to him abowt evwything we thaw in tha cult pwathe and how we tuk care of evwything ekththept valthor got a way fwom uth. heth wike o man thath not gud but thankth for wookin into that for uth. kimiweel gaiv him tha noteth abowt nurgel and that theemd to maik him kinda uneethy cuz he thaid nurgel ith bad and if tha thkavin awe wurkin with him thin thath bad nooth and thay mite be twyin to maik a pwayg or thomethin that dont thownd gud.

he towd uth that he hath a wewawd for uth and bwingth owt a bokth with a buncha gowd in it and a fwying cawpit that we can wide awownd on thath vewy cool.

thin heth wike o yah thereth thomethin elthe u cud help uth with if u want and were wike wat ith it and heth wike well u thee wev herd abowt a ekthdepitin... ekthpidshin... peepel goin on a big advenchir to tha caoth wathteth. dum dum thaid he herd tha thame thing and they tawkd abowt it fow a bit. thowndth wike there tawkin abowt the thame thing. ther r thome dorfth going up ther to find a powrfel wepin or thomethin. the mane dorf name ith bowek fowkbeerd who ith weedin it. he thaid he can taik uth to bowekth nefyu calld vawik vawikthin and he can tell uth mowe abowt it tho were wike weth do it.

tho we go meet with vawik vawikthin and heth wike im thowy u had to wait tho wong but hear i am now and he akthd uth wat we no and thtuff and heth wike wow u no mowe than motht peepel tho thath gud. thin heth wike well im not goin and the onwy weethin im hear ith to git ur word that u wont tell n e body abowt wat ur doin and abowt the dorf hithtowy and thtuff and were wike yep thowndth gud and heth wike alwite cool and that wath abowt it.

he tuk uth to meet with the dorfth at thome ethtate owthide of the thitty and we tawkd abowt wat wath goin on and wat we ath gonna do and wong thtowy showt we r gonna help them on there advenchir and help them git that powrfel wepin and thtuff. bowek thaid that we mite wanna figer owt how to bweathe up there and a dorf cald mawaki makithin or thomethin bilt a areship cald tha thpiwit of gwugni that wil taik uth there wich thowndth cool to me. im wike r u shure ith gonna be thafe and mawaki wath wike yah ith a definit mabee cuz we got thith guy naimd makth who put a buncha majik on the ship to pwotect it fwom all tha bad air and thtuff and he wath wike he nothe wat heth doin tho im jutht wike okay i hope ur wite cuz it thowndth dajeruth but im goin n e way.

i did go and git won of those nekwatheth of adapshin wike fwaya got jutht to maik shure i can bweathe and thtuff and i pikd up a cupple more poshinth of thpeed jutht in caith i need thothe to.

thin we wint to a big ol cory wookin pwathe and there wath a buncha dorfth workin and thtuff and wile we wath walkin tord it we herd a horn and all of a thuddin a big dor opind and we thaw a HYUGE ARESHIP WIKE WOW ITH THE BIGETHT WON I EVER THAW within up outta tha gwownd. im jutht wike wow ith that r wide and there wike yup.

we meet up with mawaki with hith gogelth and spiky owanje hare and tatooth and thtuff he wookth thuper cool. he thaid he wath finishin up hith final chekth and thin we wud be on r way. he thaid if we r thucethful on thith advinchir we wud be cald a fwind of tha dorfth tho thath altho cool.

he showth uth awownd the ship and thtuff and the hole tiem we can feel all the majik that makth put on tha ship. wile getin tha tor we meet with makth and tawk to him abowt all the pwotekshinth he put on it and heth wike u hav nuthin to wory abowt thith thing aint goin down. he thaid heth done evwything he an to pwotect the ship and he handth uth a nekwathe to were and thaith to keep it on in cathe we need it. i sho him the nekwathe i jutht bot and heth wike ooh thath a gud won but u can uthe both if you want and im wike okay thowndth gud tho i put it on with my other won altho. makth thaid he cud altho giv uth a enchant on are gear but onthe ith uthed up thath it tho we gotta be caweful with it. i akthd if he cud maik my awmor tho i cud uthe the sheeld thpell wike fwaya and heth wike yep no pwobwim. we here a horn wettin uth no ith tiem to go tho we go bak to are woomth for the twip.

but jutht ath we r liftin off we here anuther horn and thith won gitth evwybody up and wunnin awownd. thomethinth goin on and we r towd to git in thethe fwying thingth cawd jywocopperth or thomethin. iv never bin in won of thethe befowe much weth no how to fwy the thing but hear i am in the dwiverth theet of thith wittel thing. ith got a thteem gun on tha fwont and bomth on the bottem and im feewin wike thith ith gonna be fun if we thurvive thith. we pwetty much git pushd owt and now we r fwyin awone. dum dum and kimiweel dwove the doomweel tho they mite be abel to handel thethe thingth ethier than me but im gonna twy my betht n e way. i figgur owt how to maik it go up and down and weft and wite and ford and bak and i thee a cuppla buttinth. wom of them hath to be tha gun thing and the other hath to be tha bomth tho it cant be that hawd wite. wong. i can barley keep contwol of thith contwapshin tho i go fwyin all over tha pwaith and win i twied to dwop a bom on tha thkavin bewow i endid up hittin tha towr that the areship wath jutht conectid to and it cowapthd but at weatht it fell onto tha thkavin and took thome owt win it bwew up tho that wath nithe. n thin i thaw thome of the thkavin goin for the dorfth on tha gwownd. i turnd the masheen tord them but inthted of bwowin up my fwindth with anuther bad bom shot i jutht tuk owt my thord and cut em up that way that theemd to do beter. n thin i wint to do another wun on tha thkavin but i cudnt thee n e thing tho i jutht wint down low. i thaw thome thkavin that wookd wike thay got hear wate tho i turnd to them and wath wike nope ur not gonna wanna come thith way and i uthed the thteem gun on them and tuk owt thome mowe of them. thin i thaw a wite come on the contwolth and new ith wath tiem to git bak to the areship cuz i wath wunnin owt of fyul.

i maid it bak by dojing all the areshipth caninth and thtuff and wanded the copter bak were we tuk off fwom. kimiweel and dum dum were wite behind me. win we got bak we wookd down and thaw all tha wetht of tha thkavin wunning away tho ith wookth wike we did it.

mawaki met uth and thaid gud job and we evin impwethd fwaya. im wike u shuda joind uth cuz with all that fier that theemth wike ith wite up ur awwey. mawaki wint to chek on the wetht of the cwew. fwaya thaid evin if she uthed up all her power she doethnt think she cudda done that much dethtwukshin but it wookd fun. im jutht wike IT DEFINITWY WATH FUN I KINDA WANNA DO IT AGIN.

thin we herd mawakith voithe athkin for the mewthinawy gwoop to come to tha bwije and im wike i think heth tawkin abowt uth but i dont thee a bwije. did we we bwow it up by akthidint. th wetht wer jutht wike fowwow uth tho i fowwowd them.

we fownd mawaki at the contwol woom of the ship and he towd uth he dint no how tha thkavin new abowt tha ship or how thay new win to git hear and we dint no eether. fwaya thaid she had a thot that mabee they wer thcwyin on uth thomehow but evin then how did thay git thuch a big gwoop of them together wike that. dum dum thinkth there mutht be thomewon on tha inthide or we r bein fowwowed. fwaya ith wike if they r puttin thith much effert into twackin uth thin wat elthe r they capabel of. im wike welp the onwy perthon hear i no of that cud do that much majik theemth wike makth tho im wike mabee we shud then him a methage and tell him to be on a wookowt for thtuff. fwaya thindth him a methage thaying he shud do thome wetherch on that kinda majik and heth wike ya i no i kinda thot the thame thing and heth wike good wuck well do wat we can hear.

and tho we keep fwyin.

dwaugnir pweethe pwotect uth on r way to tha caoth wathteth and bak and pweethe maik shur nobody ith wachin uth thankth.

Private Notes

That's it for this session!

Adventure Loot