7.1 Yladhra's Domain
SESSION DATE: September 28 and October 5, 2024
PRESENT: Rory Emberscale, Kemurial, Renaldine, Freya Olatur
Deep Dive
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World Anvil Journal
sooo... appawentwy thith fier wady cald thiena thaid she nothe a witherd naimd yolanda ow thomethin hu hath a touer that we can uthe fow the glided iwonth new bathe if we can kill her and taik it ovew. she thaid it wud be a gud wocashin with all kinda majik and thtuff tho we wath all wike yah well deffinitwy do wat we gotta do to git thith for uth to uthe tho she tweeportid uth jutht owthide the tawer and wath wike do wat u do tho we did.
we git to tha tower but we dont thee n e dorth to wet uth in tho we wath wookin all awownd it. kimiweel and wondaline twied wookin weel hawd but cudnt find a dor and thuddenwy a fathe that wookth wike thome kinda beetht popth up and athtkd uth wat we wath doin hear and we wath wike we caim to thee yowonda and it wath wike yah ok u can come in and poof a dor opind in fwont of uth and we wint inthide.
ath thoon ath we git in the dor cwothed behind uth and dithpaperwed... dithapeer... wint away and all we cud thee wath thome wound thtairth and a cupple dorth but not the won we came thru cuz wike i thaid ith gon now. we twied to go up tha thtairth a cuple tiemth but we kept gettin put in tha thame woom ovew and ovew agin. tho we dethided to jutht go thwu tha dubble dorth and wat do u no we fownd EVIN MOR DORTH man ther wath a buncha them on both thideth of tha hall way.
each dor had thome wurdth on it wich i twied to weed ath gud ath i cud with thith nu hemmet i got. it turnd owt to be a big widdle not a widdle one but u no wike a big widdle that u haf to anther a twiky kwethchin u no wat i meen. n e way we had a hawd tiem figgurin it owt. kimiweel wath wike thewe awe thith miny dorth befowe they thtawt to wepeet and im wike well wat if we opin tha dor that hath that nubmer on it and he wath wike yah i gueth we can twy that. tho we did and taddah it opind and it workd i wath tho thupwithed.
now wer in a thik jungel with thome big thingth fwyin in the air but we cant weewy thee wat they awe tho we jutht keep goin and i keep my i on them. we fownd a hyuge hoe in the gwownd with thome thtairth goin down to a dor and thome corptheth down their. ath we awe walkin down i herd thome thkweechin fwom abov uth and im wike HAY GUYTH WE GOT TUWBBEL COMIN and now we fiting thome mantecowth. ther vewwy high above uth and can keep ther dithtanthe fwom uth tho ith gonna be hawd to fite but jutht thin fwaya wath wike i got a new twik chek thith owt AND SHE OPIND A DOR IN THE WALL THAT OPIND OWT FWOM A TWEE ABOVE UTH HOW COOL ITH THAT and im wike wer hath that bin all thith tiem fwaya thath tho cool. tho we wint thwu and wath abel to fite them a wot eathier cuz of her new twik. we finawway chathe them away and we keep goin down the hoe.
kimiweel chekd the cowptheth and jutht fownd thome munny on them tho we jutht opind the dorth and wint inthide. he thujethted that we chek fow twapth but we dont find none and fwaya chekth fow invithibel peepl but donth find n e eether. thith pwathe hath a buncha hallwayth and dorth tho we jutht make are way to each won at a tiem and thee wath they hav. one had thome bedth one wath a wibwawy won wath wike a wounge awea with anothew woom with thome dethtkth and a buk and thtuff. but we did find a woom with thome gowd on tha fwoor and thome thkullth that cud catht fier at uth and they jutht keep comin bak to wife aftew a wile wich wath vewy annoyng. wondaline notithd a theekwet dor in the thtkull woom and win she opind it we fownd a maze with a buncha twapth all awound. betwene wondaline and kimiweel and fwaya and me we wath finawwy abel to make it thwu the mathe but wondaline got hit weel hawd with a fitht comin owt of tha wall THAT WATH THO FUNY I WAFFD THO HAWD OH MY GOTH I THINK I CWIED WAFFING THO HAWD be she wath fine tho.
aftew makin are way thwu the mathe we wint bak to tha bedwoom to thweep and heal up. wondaline can thtay up all nite but she needth won of uth to thtay up wong enuf for her to git her thpelth and thtuff bak and thin she can do tha wetht of the nite herthelf. wuckiwy nuthin hapind overnite. win we waked up kimiweel thummind a cool thewetihthial... thwethtaliel... thtawwy wookin horthe dog. im wike if ith a horthe and a dog mabee we call it whinny the poodle hahaha they waffd and it maid me feel gud i towd a gud joke but it wath won of thothe joketh that i caint tell if they wath waffing cuz it wath gud or waffing cuz it wath bad u no wat i meen. n e way kimiweel thaid whinny the poodle can heel uth tho thath alwayth a gud thing.
evinchuawwy we find mowe dubbel dorth and opin them and ith jutht a HYUGE woom with jutht a pathway ahed of uth with fwoting thtachooth on both thideth and ith jutht nuthin but bwack awownd uth up and down and weft and wite. i git down on mah bewwy and put my awm down into tha void jutht to thee if it wath fake and nope it definitewy ithnt fake cuth my awm jutht wint below the path and i cudnt thee n e thing down their tho im wike guyth wach owt thith ith the weel deel. fwaya said she cud tell ther ith more majikal thignelth ow thomethin comin fwom thith woom tho be caweful. wondaline thot ther mite be pwesher pwateth that wud maik twapth go off if we thtept on them tho she warnth uth to wach are thtep. thin i wemembew i can fwy agin thinthe we tuk a nap and im wike well i can jutht fwy awownd behind the thtatchooth and thee if they hav a buttin or thomethin to turn them off but i cudnt find one.
ath thoon ath i got behind the firtht thtatchoo a gost man guy popd up in fwont of the wetht of the pawty neer the dor we came in and he thaid another widdle. he wath wike WAT ITH UR NAIM and we told him are nameth and he wath wike WAT ITH UR KWETHT and we wath wike we r gettin wid of evil and then he wath wike WHAT ITH THE THPEED VITHCOTHITY OF UNWEDDED DWAGINTH or thomething and we wath wike well wat color dwaggin or do u meen a metal one and he wath wike I DONT NO THAT and thin HE GOT BLOWED OFF THE PATHWAY AND JUTHT FAIL DOWN and we wath wike whoa we gotta wach owt for shure here. thuddenwy thome of the thtatchooth thtawted movin so we had to take thim owt. thay kept twyin to gwab uth and thwow uth down into tha void but motht of the tiem we ethcapd but kimiweel got gwabbd and dwopped and were all wike OH NO KIMIWEEL ITH FAWWING WE GOTTA HEP HIM but wike he kep fawwing down and down agin and down agin. he jutht kept poppin back up where he wath dwoppd fwom and it dint wook wike he wath gettin hurt eech tiem he wint down tho im wike well im gonna take owt thethe guyth befowe twying to help him from fawwing mor. i bet that wath a fun twip though he wath fawwing tho fatht it akshuwwy wookd kinda fun. duwing the fite fwaya wath abel to pull him owt of the fall with anuther new twik with thome whitening thing she hath now wich wath thuper awethome and put him bak onto the pathway tho he cud help uth keel the wetht of thethe thatchooth wich we do.
fwaya thaid she needed to wetht a widdle bit. not a widdle wike befowe but u no for jutht a widdle amownt of tiem. thith widdle thtuff ith confuthing u no wat i meen. tho we wethted and wint bak to the pathway and made are away acwoth it vewy cawefuwy and nuthin happind.
we opin tha dorth at the end of tha pathway and now were in another hyuge woom with piwwarth and thatchooth and acwoth the woom we thee yolanda and she wath wike hi welcom to my tower or thomethin i dunno i jutht wanted to thtawt the fite but she thtawted tawkin thome moer athking wondaline why she wath hiding but she wathnt hiding and im just wike if ur a withard y ith ur wibwawy tho thmall and sheth wike yah i no ith thmall and wish it wath bigger and im wike well i saw a bigger won in a canyon and sheth wike ooh were ith it i gotta vithit and im wike well i cant tell you that for fwee and sheth wike well mabee we can maik a deel and im wike ya no i dont think we can so she waithed her wod and teweported and dithpaperprerd. the fite ith on.
fwaya ith the onwy won of uth who can thee her cuz she made it tho she can thee invithible thingth so she just wurkd on yolanda wile the wetht of uth workd to taik down all the thtatchooth that thtawted movin win she held up her wod. kimiweel mutht hav thomethin agintht thtatchooth cuz man he wath takin them down weft wite and thinter it wath tho cool to thee him doing tho gud. it dint take fwaya vewy wong to take owt yolanda she did that fatht. she thaid she cud tell she wath twyin to git away but cudnt befowe fwaya got the final bwow on her and tuk her down fow gud. awthom job fwaya.
we tuk her wod and her thpailbuk and her jernel and wotth of other thtuff bak to uthiwithwthtu and the gliden iwon and they wath hapy and thaid they wud make gud uthe of the new touwer.
dwaugnir i hope u are pwowd of uth. i hope evwything ith goin gud for my famiwy and i cant wate to find them agin. i no it theemth wike im takin a wong tiem but im twyin to git thtwonger tho i can taik on all thothe bad guyth that tuk me fwom them and sho them they methd with tha wong dwaggin. thank u.
Private Notes
- Sienna, a pyromancer, says she knows a wizard named Yladhra who has occupied a wizard's tower. She has informed the Gilded Iron. They've said if we can kill the current occupant, it would be a perfect location for the Gilded Iron to expand. Great location, magical location.
- Sienna teleports us this once to near the wizard's tower, about a 10 minute walk from it.
- It's a simple, jet black unadorned tower about 100' tall tapering to the point at the top. No apparently door.
- Kemurial and Renaldine check along the outside for any signs of an entrance. As soon as we get near, a hologram-like bestial face extends from the tower wall, asking "What's your business?" Kemurial says we're here to see Yladhra, and the face says "Very well. Proceed." And an entrance appears.
- A spiral staircase leads upward in the center of the tower. The walls are covered with various paintings and reliefs depicting all sorts of things, but not much else to see. No doors, notably.
- Freya casts Dancing Lights to provide some light on our way up the stairs.
- At the top of the stairs, we seem to enter an identical room.
- Rory notices some hidden doors along the wall. We open them, but see an endless hallway, with iron doors on either side of the hallway, extending to the end of our vision.
- Rory moves up to each door looking for markings. Rory sees some writing around the door jamb in Draconic saying the following:
- "0 doors and you're trapped."
- "1 door, and you have no choice."
- "1 door spells your doom."
- "2 doors present a difficult decision."
- "3 doors are a bad gamble."
- "5 doors bring great suffering."
- "8 doors erode hope."
- "10 doors are a jungle of destruction."
- "13 doors foretell impossible calamity."
- "21 doors are the beginning of the end."
- I recognize this as the Fibonacci sequence, but the 10 is out of place as it isn't part of the sequence. Rory suggests counting the number of doors before they begin to repeat. It just so happens there are 10 doors, so Rory says maybe we should go with that door. We open the door and are immediately teleported in to an extremely dense jungle with some tall grass, and there are notably some flying creatures flying overhead. We look behind us and the door we came through isn't there.
- We travel the path for a while. Eventually we come up to a massive cylindrical hole in the ground with a ramp leading down to a door at the bottom in one of the walls and several corpses.
- We carefully make our way down the ramp. Renaldine uses her ability to check if the corpses are undead. They are not. However, as Rory is looking behind them watching for enemies, he hears loud screeches as he sees four manticores flying down toward us. Rory warns the group of the incoming enemies. INITIATIVE!!!
- The manticores have the high ground as we're 40' from the bottom of the hole, while they're at ground level above us, so there's a 60' distance between us. On her turn, Freya tells us she has a new trick. As she tells us, a shadowy door opens on the wall next to us, and we see through it, looking at the manticores from the ground level above us. Cool!
- Rory sprouts his wings to fend off the now-flying manticores, uses his breath weapon and Javelin of Lightning. He gets a couple good hits on the creature, which seems to cause them to retreat. Rory waits to ensure they continue to fly away. Combat over.
- Rory scouts the surrounding area while he's flying. It's just a vast, seemingly endless jungle, with just the hole below him out of place.
- Freya waits for us to go back through her portal before she closes it. She asks if we are okay with taking a short rest, to which we gladly oblige.
- Kemurial checks the corpses and finds some gold pieces on them.
- A door similar to what we've been through already, albeit with no words this time, greets us at the bottom of the hole. We step through to a large tunnel.
- The walls are made of jet black smooth obsidian. The floors are made of tiles depicting intricate geometric patterns. Most rooms are about 10 feet tall.
- Kemurial asks if any of us are adept at checking for traps and disarming any we find, but none of us are. However, Freya casts See Invisibility on herself just in case anything unseen is lurking these tunnels.
- Kemurial finds a door and listens beyond it, not hearing anything.
- Kemurial peeks around the corner ahead to see what he can see. He sees another hallway.
- Kemurial checks the door to see if it's locked. It isn't. He opens it and heads inside. In it is a humbly adorned room with four beds and three trunks.
- Freya casts Detect Magic but doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Renaldine checks the chests for traps, but ultimately determines they aren't. Freya suggests letting the lizard guy who takes less damage when he gets mad open the chests. Rory does so, and finds that indeed, none of them are trapped. In the chests are just some normal clothes.
- We continue on as Rory maintains his rage for as long as he can. Kemurial checks the next door, which seems clear. Freya detects no magic either. He tries to open the unlocked door. In this room are broken boards, splintered wood, and coins scattered on the floor. There are two chest-high pillars in the room, with two chests and a weapon rack. A green light emanates from the adjoining room. It appears this room has been ransacked.
- Renaldine detects undead nearby, coming from the green-lit room. When she steps into the doorway, the bones on the ground begin to stir as two enemies appear from the piles of bones. INITIATIVE!!!
- Freya blasts one of the skeletons with heavy Radiant damage. It doesn't seem to be particularly vulnerable to it, but it still does full damage!
- Kemurial is able to imbue his weapon with positive energy, allowing it to do Radiant damage as well. Nice!
- Rory gets the final blow on the last remaining skeleton. Combat over.
- Renaldine notices a secret door on the far side of the smaller room where we fought the skeletons. She notices that one of the many skulls of the room is set up just a bit too neatly and is affixed to the floor and appears to be able to rotate. Rory holds her up before doing that and gathers the gold on the floor. He gathers a total of 250c, 100s, 50g. On the chest is another 75c 10s. And on the weapon rack is a shortbow and a light hammer.
- We take another short rest before heading through the secret door. At the end of the short rest, the skulls begin to reanimate. INITIATIVE!!!
- Apparently, after an hour the skulls regain all their hit points unless holy water is sprinkled on them or Dispel Magic or Remove Curse is cast on them. Welp. Here we go again!
- Once again, we dispatch them with relative ease. Combat over.
- Rory continues his Rage after combat.
- Renaldine suggests we get through the secret door before these skulls pop up again. We all agree.
- The door opens as Renaldine turns the skull. In the corridor ahead, there are arcane runes etched into the floor.
- Freya says the whole place is littered with traps. And she warns us that she doesn't have Dispel Magic. Renaldine does, however. She uses her Dispel Magic on the runes that Freya determines are traps.
- While Freya and Renaldine check for traps along our route and dispel them as necessary, Renaldine suggests that Rory take the skulls we've defeated twice now and put them into the chest in the previous room and tie it up with a rope to keep them locked in so they don't bother us. Great suggestion!
- We slowly and methodically make our way through the runic trap maze safely.
- Past it, we find another treasure room that seems cleanly maintained. There are a couple more chests. Inside them is quite a lot of good treasure. Nice.
- We find our way back through the magic maze and continue where we came in through.
- We make our way back to the bedroom we found earlier to take a long rest. Renaldine is on watch.
- Kemurial summons a celestial dire wolf that appears like a horse for whatever reason. Rory suggests he name it Whinny the Poodle.
- Rory continues down the hallway and listens around the corner, but doesn't hear anything. He's waiting on the rest to catch up and see if they hear anything. Renaldine sees a door on the right ahead. Further down is a door on the left. The hallway continues to the right at the end. We enter the first door on the right.
- The walls are lined with shelving, with various containers and boxes lining the shelves. We move in and see various generic supplies, such as dried meats, candles, parchments, ink wells, spell components, etc. Renaldine takes some parchments, some ink, something to write with and some dried meats. While she gathers her things, Rory looks for anything that stands out in this well-maintained room, but nothing catches his eye. Freya, though, finds some spell scrolls.
- Rory investigates the desk and finds a deck of playing cards, and shopping list, and an empty vial.
- Kemurial checks the chests and finds some extra stuff.
- Renaldine checks for secret doors or compartments, but finds nothing out of the ordinary.
- Rory continues up the hallway to the door on the left. At the end of the hallway to the right are double stone doors with some arcane iconography on it.
- This door is unlocked and untrapped. Renaldine hears crackling logs from beyond it and smells smoke.
- Rory opens the door into a large seating area, furnished with some nice furniture and a crackling fire in the fireplace at the end of the room. He sees a door leading to another room on the far east side of the room. Renaldine notices the furniture's legs are made to look like actual legs, but they're probably just from some kind of culture with which we are unfamiliar. She checks the door for traps. It's locked, but not trapped. Kemurial checks the table for anything useful or valuable. He finds roughly two dozen historical tomes and treatises, some gold and a bag of pipe weed and a pipe.
- Renaldine checks something on the wall and finds that it's not solid, but instead a tapestry. She moves it aside and discovers a room with an electrified floor and some unanimated flesh golems.
- Rory busts through the door. The room has some more gilded furniture covered in elaborate engravings, with a large, thick tome perched upon the desk near the door. Renaldine investigates. It's covered with arcane runes. Freya is unable to determine what they mean. Renaldine also is unable to find anything about it. Kemurial, though, finds that it's Yladhra's spell book. Before we touch it, we check the rest of the room for anything else interesting. The chest is untrapped and unlocked. It has a pouch with 100g in it, several ink bottles and quills, and two blank leather bound books worth 25g each. Freya finds some other things in the wardrobe. Freya finds an open journal of some kind of the other desk. It seems to have information about Yladhra's travels. We'll come back for all this stuff once we defeat Yladhra.
- Rory keeps eye contact with the flesh golem as he ensure it doesn't move as we leave the room. Rory is the last to leave, closing the door behind him.
- We continue down to the end of the hall to deal with the arcane-runed double doors. Freya detects magic but is is not magical. Renaldine checks for traps and such and finds nothing. The doors are unlocked. Rory opens them.
- The gargantuan chamber has no floor or ceiling. Just endless darkness above and below. Six marble statues on fluted marble columns seem to stand guard either side of the pathway ahead. The group halts as he opens the doors. Freya says there is increased magical signals coming from the statues, but nothing from the floor. Renaldine says she thinks the path might be full of pressure plates or something, so she warns us to be careful with how we step. Rory offers to fly across to see what he can see, but she tells him to just stay grounded for now. Rory obliges. Rory sprouts his wings and hovers over to the first statue on the south side of the passageway. As he does so, an ethereal image of an old man apparates in front of Renaldine and starts spitting fire rhymes. In reality, he says some lines leading to a riddle. His first question is "WHAT is your name?" to which we each answer truthfully. He then asks "WHAT is your quest?" to which Kemurial replies that we are to rid the land of evil. Finally, he asks "WHAT is the airspeed velocity of an unladen dragon?" to which we ask "What color? What metal? Red? Green? Brass?" and he says "Oh I don't know the answer to that!" and gets flung off the walkway into the void. Rory thinks he might have pressed a button or lever by accident as a few of the statues begin to move. INITIATIVE!!!
- Kemurial warns Renaldine to get behind him.
- One of the Helmed Horrors lunges toward Renaldine and immediately attempts to grapple her, which she resists. These things are going to try to drag and drop us off the walkway into the void below!
- Renaldine strategically retreats into the hallway as per Kemurial's suggestion.
- Freya tries her luck at firing some Scorching Rays at each statue, doing a bit of damage to two of them. She then tries an Eldritch Blast at the one she didn't hit with the rays. She hits, but finds out they're immune to Force damage, and they're quite tough to hit.
- Another statue tries to grapple Renaldine, and she shrugs that one off as well. Nice job, Renaldine!
- Kemurial, on the other hand, DOES get grappled, and immediately is pulled away and dropped into the void. We all expect the worst, but suddenly, as Kemurial just falls out of sign, he pops back into view at the height from which he was dropped, then continues falling. It's like in Portal when you put two portals above and below each other. Rory tries to look at Kemurial as has pops back into view and notices he doesn't seem to be getting hurt on each subsequent trip down into the void. Seeing that, Rory decides not to pursue him to try to pull him out of the fall himself.
- Freya uses her Lightning Lure spell to bring him out of the perpetual fall, doing so deftly. Awesome Freya!
- The Helmed Horrors attempt twice more to grapple and drop Kemurial, but he shakes off both attempts.
- Kemurial gets TWO crits in a row, taking out one of the statues and doing lots of damage on the other. Where has THIS been all this time?!
- Between Kemurial and Rory, we roll FOUR CRITS IN A ROW! What is going on?! Combat over.
- Freya suggests a short rest, which we all agree with. We head back into the library, but leave Whinny the Poodle outside while we rest inside.
- The short rest is uneventful.
- Renaldine checks the doors at the other end of the pathway, but they're not locked and we move right on through.
- We enter a small hallway and are presented with another set of untrapped and unlocked double doors. Massive chamber, marble columns stand 30' tall, but do not support the ceiling. In front of each is an ornamental statue holding a sword. A middle aged woman sits in a throne on the opposite end of the chamber and greets us as we enter.
- Yladhra asks Renaldine why she's hiding. Renaldine says she isn't hiding. Yladhra says she has done a lot of research here. We have a short conversation about how nice the place is, how scarcely stocked her library is, to which she agrees. Rory mentions he's seen a far larger library than hers, one that spanned an entire canyon, and how there was a giant octopus-like creature that tried to stop us, but couldn't. She asks where she might be able to find this library, but Rory says he can't give her that information for free. She suggests that we could perhaps make a deal, then asks for its location again. Rory just says he doesn't remember where exactly it was. She's like that's a shame, holds up a rod teleports forward, then casts a spell and disappears. INITITATIVE!!!
- Freya attempts to cast a Fireball upward where she thinks Yladhra is even though she's invisible, which Yladhra attempts to Counterspell, but fails, allowing the Fireball to go off. Nice one!
- Yladhra remains flying, around 30' up as she casts her spells, including Cone of Cold and Magic Missiles. She goes invisible again during the encounter. Freya just about has her dead though! Keep at it Freya!
- The rest of us keep the Animated Armors away from her and Renaldine.
- Freya gets the killing blow on Yladhra with her Eldritch Blast. Combat over.
- We search Yladhra's body, but find nothing but the control rod for the tower.
- We make our way back through this area to pick up all the things we left behind.
- The Gilded Iron gives each of us 1000g.
- We hand over the Tower Control Rod to the Gilded Iron so they can expand as discussed before.
Adventure Loot
- 120g
- 50g 100s 250c
- 10s 75c
- Shortbow
- light hammer
- 2000s
- 1250g
- Bag of spices worth 50g
- 4x Potion of Healing
- 1x Potion of Greater Healing
- 5x Vial of Poison
- Scabbard made of rabbit fur worth 25g
- Adamantine Trident
- Net
- +1 Icetooth, Scimitar of Fiend Slaying (Kemurial)
- Scrolls of:
- Mind Sliver (Cantrip)
- Mold Earth (Cantrip)
- Absorb Elements (1st)
- Jump (1st)
- Sleep (1st)
- Charm Monster (4th)
- Deck of playing cards
- Shopping List
- Empty Vial
- 150g
- Preserved basilisk eye worth 50g (Renaldine)
- 100g
- Several ink bottles and quills
- 2x Blank leather bound books worth 25g each
- 8x Fine clothes worth 25g each
- 2x Pair of Fine Leather boots worth 25g each
- Tower control rod
- Yladhra's journal
- Yladhra's spellbook with the following spells, worth 3575g:
- Level 1:
- Detect Magic
- Mage Armor
- Magic Missile
- Shield
- Charm Person
- Disguise Self
- Find Familiar
- Grease
- Illusory Script
- Color Spray
- Longstrider
- Level 2:
- Misty Step
- Suggestion
- Arcane Lock
- Darkvision
- Hold Person
- Magic Mouth
- Rope Trick
- Detect Thoughts
- Level 3:
- Counterspell
- Fireball
- Fly
- Fear
- Major Image
- Remove Curse
- Level 4:
- Greater Invisibility
- Ice Storm
- Conjure Minor Elementals
- Locate Creature
- Level 5:
- Cone of Cold
- Scrying
- Level 1: