7.3 A Pelli-Ton of Trouble (Milestone - 8th Level!)
SESSION DATE: November 23, 2024
PRESENT: Rory, Renaldine, Freya Olatur, Kemurial
Deep Dive
![[Rory - 7.3 A Pelli-Ton of Trouble.wav]]
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![[A Pelli-Ton of Trouble.mp4]]
World Anvil Journal
sooo... we fownd a pwathe calld gwavethford wile we wath wokin down tha woad and we thaw a paper that thaid thomethin wike com vithit pinnath thop fow thome poshinth and cool thtuff tho im wike yah we shud go thee thith pwathe. tho we wint into tha town to twy to find tha poshin pwathe and finawwy we fownd it aftew kimiweel akthed thomewon for diwekshinth. win we got ther tho thewe wath anuther paper that thaid im at tha mawket wite now tho some thee me and wook fow a big hat. well thith shud be eethy to find them.
i wath wite we fownd the perthon weel quik cuz she had a big witherd hat on. i akthed her if she ith Pinna and sheth wike yup thath me and im wike oh awthome we thaw ur paper on tha bord owt ther and thot we wud come by and thee wat kinda thtuff you had for thell. fow now sheth kinda buthy with the mawket tho inthted wondaline towd her she wath twaining to becom a doomgide but she didnt no a wot abowt that but she towd wondaline to tawk to her mathter naimd tathe win he cometh to town in abowt a week. kimiweel akthed if she had a bwoodwell viel but she awtho dint no much abowt that eether. sheth a vewy happy yung wady and theemth to wanna help uth weel bad but she theemth to need mowe confidinth or thomethin. i wuv her enrgey to help. befowe we go kimiweel akthed her if she cud meet uth at tha tavrin water to tawk abowt her mathter and thtuff and sheth wike definitewy and she wint bak to her poshin shop.
we fowwow wondaline as the twieth to find tha church to thee wat kinda peepel mite live hear in thith town. we fownd the church buth ith vewy wun down but it doeth hav a nithe thtane gwath windo of a guy in bwack awmow hiting anuther guy. kimiweel and wondaline did a wot of tawkin with tha cweric guy their. he ith weewy fond of tha peepel who wive hear and thaid that wethentwy thome thtuff wint down that mint there weader wath killd and now ther ith a new weader thakthin or thomethin. he thaid thom orkth caim and atackd them and now thith thakthtin guy ith weading tha awea and wike heth not shure if heth evil but aftew that thome thingth hav bin happenin and he put owt a bownty on the orkth head who kild the other guy named Bedegar. kimiweel akthed for diwekshinth to tha cathle tho well hed that way in tha mownin after we meet with Pinna and thweep for the nite. the guy thaid thinthe were gonna help he can giv uth a bwething to hewp uth not die if we giv tha church thome gowd eech day. wondaline giveth him a buncha muny and he cathth deth word on uth tho thath pwetty cool.
we hed over to tha tavrin calld tha wewutcin... wewuctathn... the pig who wathnt shur wat to do. n e way wondaline wint to get uth a woom to thtay in and she paid for uth all wich wath nithe of her to do and i fowwow kimiweel to git uth a tabel. wondaline caim bak and joind uth and thay bwing uth thome dwinkth.
wile we wath dwinking thome guy in bwack awmow and wike fore gardth with him. he thwamth the dor opin and holdth owt a thcwoll and thaid thomethin abowt hith naim ith thir pewwitin and how he wath goin to find the orkth who kild the weader guy and he wath calin all the peepel in the tavrin pethinth and jutht tawkin weel bad abowt them callin them wow wifeth. that got my bwood boiwing weel fatht. im wike who r u or who do u think u r to come in hewe tawking abowt the fine peepel of thith town that way and whatth to thtop uth fwom takin u owt wite now. heth all wike oh ur dim and deff i alweddy towd u who i am tho im wike well wet me intwoduthe mythelf and my gwatethord. thith wuss calld hith gardth to do hith durty work cawwing uth dogth cuz he cant be botherd to do hith own work but uthe hith thervanth inthted. the fite ith on. i thtand up and jutht thtawt wailin on thith guy and thin he jutht up and weaveth tewepowtin thwu the dor wike the cowerd he ith. wile hith gardth are fitin uth he goeth and cwotheth the dor and wokth uth inthide. i tell one of the gardth that they dont haf to work for thith tewwible guy befowe nokin him owt cold. thin i thtawt chathin pewwitin. at won point he opind tha dor and cathth thome kinda dawk tendwil thing to keep uth in but that dont work vewwy gud. i twied to butht thwu the dor to git him but he wath akshuwy abel to keep it cwothed but thin he wookd thwu tha windo and he cathted a cone of cold at uth wich altho buthted tha windo wich maid it eethier fow me to chathe him. im thowwy i weft my fwindth to chathe him but i watht gonna wet him git away with puttin down a hole town tha way he did. wookth wike we did a numbew on him cuz by the tiem i fownd him agin he wath wunnin fow hith wife. he wan to hith mownt but i wath abel to git won watht bit of damij on him uthin my fier bweth but he thtill got away. by tha tiem i got bak into the tavrin fwaya kimiweel and wondaline had the otherth subdood. apawentwy tha guy i nokd owt and anuthew won got kild win pewwitin did hith cone of cold. we kept the othew guyth awive.
kimiweel cathth a thone of twooth to git thome qwethchinth antherd and he towd uth evwythin he nothe. he thaid pewwitin dint intind on kiwwing n e body but heth jutht that kinda perthon to gloat abowt how gud he ith and nobody can be bettr than him and thtuff jutht a tewwible perthon. tha guy towd uth the nameth of all the peepel in tha thwee wotheth. we tell the guy they can weave but if we ever come acwoth them in a thimiwar thichuayshin that it pwobabwy wudnt end with them keepin ther wiveth nektht tiem.
jutht thin we here a wowd thkweem and we feel tha gwownd shake and here a wowd ekthpwoshin comin fwom the othew thide of town. we wint owtthide to thee wat it wath and thew wath a hyuge pwume of fier comin fwom were pinnath shop ith. thith ithnt gud.
we haf to chek on Pinna.
Private Notes
- "Lord Saxton, Baron of Bedegar, in order to secure the welfare of the people of Bedegar, ensure prosperity for every serf, villein, and freedman upon the land and protect the peace of the roads and the trade thereon, hereby proclaims that whosoever brings to the seat of the Barony the head of the White Tusk orc clan, they shall be awarded a bounty of 500 golden crowns and invested with a knighthood. The baron also offers 10 golden crowns for the head of any other White Tusk orc. Praise Adun and his Saint, Gaed, Confessor."
- We make our way to a town called Gravesford, located in a region known as Bedegar. There is a large sheet on a post. It advertises fresh potions for all ailments. Visit Pinna's Shop for more. Wizards are welcome to compare notes and share knowledge.
- As we enter the town, we see they have a market surrounded by farms, there's a church of Saint Gaed the Confessor, a pub called The Reluctant Pig. And of course there's Pinna's Shop.
- It's getting close to the end of the market day, things are about to close up. It's mid to late afternoon, close to dinner time.
- Kemurial asks for directions to Pinna's Shop. Rory thinks we might be able to find something cool there perhaps.
- We make our way to Pinna's Shop, thanks to the directions we got.
- Kemurial knocks on the door. There's a sign on the door though. It says "Out playing in the market. Find me. Look for the hat. Otherwise, visit the shop after market."
- Kemurial spots someone he thinks might be Pinna, wearing a distinctive hat in the crowd. Rory asks if she is indeed Pinna. Yes she is! She's a young lady, around 17 or 18 years old or so, and is all too happy to see us when we mention that we noticed her flyer just outside of town. She beams, and welcomes us to her shop after the market closes. Renaldine reach her hand out and introduces herself. She mentions she's in training to be a Doomguide. Kemurial asks if she happens to know where to obtain a Bloodwell Vial. Pinna says she's not too well versed on the various religious sects and what it means to be a Doomguide. She responds to Kemurial and just says she's not really a super powerful wizard, but tells him to ask her teacher (essentially) named Tace for assistance with finding a Bloodwell Vial. He is due to arrive here next week. Kemurial lets her know he may just do that as he plans on staying at The Reluctant Pig.
- Renaldine picks up that Pinna is eager to help and confident by her own standards, but self-confident about how she compares to her master, Tace.
- Kemurial asks if she can meet him at the inn when she gathers whatever she needs, to which she agrees. Then she takes off toward her shop. Renaldine then tells us she's headed to a nearby church to see what sort of deities might be common here.
- We follow Renaldine to the church. It's a very old building, one of the oldest in town actually. It's in need of repair, but does have a stained glass window depicting Saint Gaed in black armor smiting another.
- A cleric comes forth, introducing himself as Father Belderone. Renaldine introduces herself as a cleric of Kelemvor. She asks about more information about Saint Gaed. He's known as The Keeper of the Unbroken Vow. Seems like a deity of truth. Renaldine passes the conversation off to Kemurial as it seems he'll be able to make a better connection with this cleric. Father Belderone is old and growing frail, speaking in a faltering voice, saying "Nice to meet men of faith. I tend to my flock best as I can, but my congregation seems to be more interested in when it's going to rain than with where their souls are headed." He seems fond of the people, with a bit of hope as he looks toward us. Renaldine recognizes this, and asks "Is there a judgment that's needed in this community?" He sighs, replying "We're a fiercely loyal lot, and we bond to each other. And if you haven't heard, there's been a tragedy recently. Orcs have... The namesake family of this region, the Bedegars, were all recently killed, their manor sacked by a band of orcs. We have a new lord now, name of Saxton, who is the lord marshal and regent now of Bedegar." Renaldine asks if she can ask a few questions. He's okay with it. "Prior to the orc attack, did there appear to be discontent of the town's leadership from the new marshal?" He says "Not to say Saxton is evil, but certainly self-serving. What's happened is that the orcs attacked the keep of the previous lords, and for all anyone knows have slaughtered everyone and ransacked it, and now Lord Saxton has taken over as the lord. Authorities are aware." Renaldine says "You know the community well, considering your role here. Do you think the current leader of the town could have facilitated the attack in some way?" He says "I don't know if I can go so far as to suggest something like that. Something seems off, not as wholesome as it used to be." Kemurial asks for directions to the keep as we can keep an eye and ear out for information and see what we can do to help.
- Renaldine suggests we head to the castle, but we'll head that direction in the morning thanks to our previous engagement with Pinna.
- The cleric says "If you do plan on looking into this, and if you are willing to donate 100g to this church, I can grant you a blessing once per day. I can give you Death Ward once per day." Renaldine gives him 10p. He says he doesn't think Saxton is an evil man, but there is definitely a sudden change. A small town like this doesn't do well with change.
- We make our way to The Reluctant Pig to get a room and look for Pinna.
- It's two stories, with a moss covered roof. It has a stone exterior. The sign on the outside is a pig being choked with a collar.
- The Pig is owned by Gizelle and Gowen and their daughter Brecca. It's a family-run establishment. Gizelle runs the business side of things, dealing with running the business and town meetings, etc. Gowen, her husband, is more of the day-to-day operations and runner for things. Brecca is a teenage girl working as a server.
- As we enter, the place is already bustling with couples, folks at the bar, etc. Nobody is quite drunk out of their minds at the moment, but there are definitely drinks being drunk.
- Renaldine works on getting lodging for us, while Kemurial finds a table. Rory goes with Kemurial.
- As we're drinking, the inn's door suddenly slams open the door. Heads turn. A man's silhouette stands in the doorway. The knight strides in with four armored warriors behind him and unfolds a parchment. Sir Pelliton, Knight of the Three Roses, declaring a proclamation from the Lord of Bedegar, demanding the head of Bonebreaker Dorokor. He promises knighthood and 500g to whoever brings him his head. The knight walks into the taproom.
- After he comes in all high and mighty, talking bad about the "peasants" and low-lifes in the inn, Rory says "And what's to stop us from taking you out right now?" He turns to Rory, "Dim and deaf, I see. I've already told you who I am." Rory says "Shall I introduce you to my greatsword?" Renaldine says he seems thirsty, so she throws her own drink at him. It's gone quiet. Pelliton says, laughing, "If you wish to nip at my heels, DOGS, I shall be happy to discipline you. Servants, TO ME!" Renaldine says "Looks like you're having all your servants do your work for you." INITIATIVE!!!
- Each of his servant knights cast Leadership to assist each other.
- Sir Pelliton, on his first turn, Dimension Doors himself out of the fight, like the wuss he is.
- During his next turn, Rory yells to the knights "You don't have to work for someone who can't even do the work themselves, and who can't respect those around him!" before taking a couple swings at the nearest knight. On the final blow, Rory chooses to simply knock out the knight rather than killing him. The he takes off toward the door, where he saw Pelliton reappear after his escape attempt. Looks like Pelliton is standing just outside the inn, perhaps waiting for his knights to do his dirty work. Rory uses his tattoo for its reach should Pelliton wish to try another escape.
- But then the knight nearest him grapples him, pulling him away from Pelliton. The whole time he's being dragged away, Rory is yelling to his friends "HE'S JUST OUTSIDE THE DOOR. GET HIM!"
- On Pelliton's next turn, he peeks his head around the door, casts Black Tentacles, then closes the door and presumably tries to escape again.
- Freya is able to get some good hits out using her Eldritch Blast and Scorching Rays.
- On Rory's next turn, he successfully escapes the knight's grapple and pops a Potion of Speed, giving himself Haste. He knowingly and willingly takes two attacks of opportunity as he quickly strides toward the door. He attempts to open it, but his strength is just barely matched by Sir Pelliton's, keeping the door closed for now. So, instead, he chucks a Javelin of Lightning at a remote knight, catching the grappling knight in its path.
- Rory hears the sound of metal scraping on wood coming from outside, like Pelliton's barring the door. Then he catches him out of the corner of his eye. Pelliton points toward the window, casting Cone of Cold through it and blasting the window out.
- Kemurial is able to deftly jump his way around the black tendrils. That had to have looked really cool!
- Rory jumps through the window to chase after Pelliton, but is unable to find him outside. He takes a moment to down his free Potion of Healing, dropping his Rage.
- On his next turn, Pelliton attempts to do something to Rory from the bushes, but Rory shakes off the effect. Just then, Pelliton appears and runs off again.
- On Rory's next turn, he pursues Pelliton, finding him sprinting toward his mount. Rory uses his fire breath to do what damage he could before Pelliton got out of his range. He inadvertently completes Kemurial's wish of burning off the guy's beard. As Pelliton trots away on his horse, Rory makes his way back to the broken window to see what's going on. Still seeing some resistance, Rory makes his way to the entrance and unbars the door. Pelliton had left his lance through the handles to prevent it being opened.
- From the outside, Rory hears Kemurial and Renaldine speaking with the other knights as the knights plead for their lives. Combat over.
- Renaldine ties a knight to a chair as Kemurial casts a Zone of Truth. Renaldine questions the knight to get the information we need.
- The knight says Pelliton is truly just a pretentious prick, but murder is not his forte. They didn't arrive to the inn with the intent of killing anyone. His exact words are "Pelliton takes great pleasure in making other people fear and hate him, and whenever someone lashes out in anger, he strikes them down with sadistic glee. He rarely kills his victims, instead preferring to leave them covered with scars and just alive enough to grow his legendary army." He also says "He is well known in Gravesford as a petty tyrant who's used to taking what he wants, daring anyone to defy him. The despotic will of Lord Saxton is made manifest by the Knights of the Three Roses. There are five of them. Pelliton is despised by the people of Bedegar, and for good reason. The Star Knight is an authoritarian strongman who hides his true cowardice behind a smoke screen of noble status and the power of his superior, Lord Saxton."
- The Knights of the Three Roses are Lady Ruth, Lady Morgant, Sir Noth, Sir Anglim, and Sir Barlow.
- In the middle of our interrogation of this guy, a piercing scream can be heard from the distance, followed by a loud explosion, causing the ground to shake. Looking in that direction, we see a large pillar of flame. We've got to go check on Pinna.
Adventure Loot
- Lance
- 4x Greatsword
- 4x Plate Armor
- 4x Heavy Crossbow
- 10g 14s 34c