7.3 A Pelli-Ton of Trouble (Milestone - 8th Level!)

SESSION DATE: November 23, 2024
PRESENT: Rory, Renaldine, Freya Olatur, Kemurial

Deep Dive

![[Rory - 7.3 A Pelli-Ton of Trouble.wav]]

Adventure Photos

Lord Saxton Flyer.png
Map of Gravesford.png
Pinna's Flyer.png
The Reluctant Pig Sign.png
Sir Pelliton.png
Sir Pelliton Casts Black Tendrils.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[A Pelli-Ton of Trouble.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

sooo... we fownd a pwathe calld gwavethford wile we wath wokin down tha woad and we thaw a paper that thaid thomethin wike com vithit pinnath thop fow thome poshinth and cool thtuff tho im wike yah we shud go thee thith pwathe. tho we wint into tha town to twy to find tha poshin pwathe and finawwy we fownd it aftew kimiweel akthed thomewon for diwekshinth. win we got ther tho thewe wath anuther paper that thaid im at tha mawket wite now tho some thee me and wook fow a big hat. well thith shud be eethy to find them.

i wath wite we fownd the perthon weel quik cuz she had a big witherd hat on. i akthed her if she ith Pinna and sheth wike yup thath me and im wike oh awthome we thaw ur paper on tha bord owt ther and thot we wud come by and thee wat kinda thtuff you had for thell. fow now sheth kinda buthy with the mawket tho inthted wondaline towd her she wath twaining to becom a doomgide but she didnt no a wot abowt that but she towd wondaline to tawk to her mathter naimd tathe win he cometh to town in abowt a week. kimiweel akthed if she had a bwoodwell viel but she awtho dint no much abowt that eether. sheth a vewy happy yung wady and theemth to wanna help uth weel bad but she theemth to need mowe confidinth or thomethin. i wuv her enrgey to help. befowe we go kimiweel akthed her if she cud meet uth at tha tavrin water to tawk abowt her mathter and thtuff and sheth wike definitewy and she wint bak to her poshin shop.

we fowwow wondaline as the twieth to find tha church to thee wat kinda peepel mite live hear in thith town. we fownd the church buth ith vewy wun down but it doeth hav a nithe thtane gwath windo of a guy in bwack awmow hiting anuther guy. kimiweel and wondaline did a wot of tawkin with tha cweric guy their. he ith weewy fond of tha peepel who wive hear and thaid that wethentwy thome thtuff wint down that mint there weader wath killd and now ther ith a new weader thakthin or thomethin. he thaid thom orkth caim and atackd them and now thith thakthtin guy ith weading tha awea and wike heth not shure if heth evil but aftew that thome thingth hav bin happenin and he put owt a bownty on the orkth head who kild the other guy named Bedegar. kimiweel akthed for diwekshinth to tha cathle tho well hed that way in tha mownin after we meet with Pinna and thweep for the nite. the guy thaid thinthe were gonna help he can giv uth a bwething to hewp uth not die if we giv tha church thome gowd eech day. wondaline giveth him a buncha muny and he cathth deth word on uth tho thath pwetty cool.

we hed over to tha tavrin calld tha wewutcin... wewuctathn... the pig who wathnt shur wat to do. n e way wondaline wint to get uth a woom to thtay in and she paid for uth all wich wath nithe of her to do and i fowwow kimiweel to git uth a tabel. wondaline caim bak and joind uth and thay bwing uth thome dwinkth.

wile we wath dwinking thome guy in bwack awmow and wike fore gardth with him. he thwamth the dor opin and holdth owt a thcwoll and thaid thomethin abowt hith naim ith thir pewwitin and how he wath goin to find the orkth who kild the weader guy and he wath calin all the peepel in the tavrin pethinth and jutht tawkin weel bad abowt them callin them wow wifeth. that got my bwood boiwing weel fatht. im wike who r u or who do u think u r to come in hewe tawking abowt the fine peepel of thith town that way and whatth to thtop uth fwom takin u owt wite now. heth all wike oh ur dim and deff i alweddy towd u who i am tho im wike well wet me intwoduthe mythelf and my gwatethord. thith wuss calld hith gardth to do hith durty work cawwing uth dogth cuz he cant be botherd to do hith own work but uthe hith thervanth inthted. the fite ith on. i thtand up and jutht thtawt wailin on thith guy and thin he jutht up and weaveth tewepowtin thwu the dor wike the cowerd he ith. wile hith gardth are fitin uth he goeth and cwotheth the dor and wokth uth inthide. i tell one of the gardth that they dont haf to work for thith tewwible guy befowe nokin him owt cold. thin i thtawt chathin pewwitin. at won point he opind tha dor and cathth thome kinda dawk tendwil thing to keep uth in but that dont work vewwy gud. i twied to butht thwu the dor to git him but he wath akshuwy abel to keep it cwothed but thin he wookd thwu tha windo and he cathted a cone of cold at uth wich altho buthted tha windo wich maid it eethier fow me to chathe him. im thowwy i weft my fwindth to chathe him but i watht gonna wet him git away with puttin down a hole town tha way he did. wookth wike we did a numbew on him cuz by the tiem i fownd him agin he wath wunnin fow hith wife. he wan to hith mownt but i wath abel to git won watht bit of damij on him uthin my fier bweth but he thtill got away. by tha tiem i got bak into the tavrin fwaya kimiweel and wondaline had the otherth subdood. apawentwy tha guy i nokd owt and anuthew won got kild win pewwitin did hith cone of cold. we kept the othew guyth awive.

kimiweel cathth a thone of twooth to git thome qwethchinth antherd and he towd uth evwythin he nothe. he thaid pewwitin dint intind on kiwwing n e body but heth jutht that kinda perthon to gloat abowt how gud he ith and nobody can be bettr than him and thtuff jutht a tewwible perthon. tha guy towd uth the nameth of all the peepel in tha thwee wotheth. we tell the guy they can weave but if we ever come acwoth them in a thimiwar thichuayshin that it pwobabwy wudnt end with them keepin ther wiveth nektht tiem.

jutht thin we here a wowd thkweem and we feel tha gwownd shake and here a wowd ekthpwoshin comin fwom the othew thide of town. we wint owtthide to thee wat it wath and thew wath a hyuge pwume of fier comin fwom were pinnath shop ith. thith ithnt gud.

we haf to chek on Pinna.

Private Notes

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