8.2 Castle Rend

SESSION DATE: December 07, 2024
PRESENT: Rory, Renaldine, Kemurial, Freya

Deep Dive

![[Rory - 8.2 Castle Rend.wav]]

Adventure Photos

Rory Pointing Out a Couple Pit Traps.png
A Bonfire In a Covered Castle Courtyard.png
Baron Edmond Bedegar Knighting Renaldine.png
Kemurial and Renaldine Fighting near Orc Statue.png
Renaldine Speaking to Villagers of Gravesford with Pinna and Edmond.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[Castle Rend.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

sooo... we wint awound tha cathle but cudnt find a nuther way in. but thin we thaw thome thmoke comin fwom the cathle and i wath wike WAT IF THEY R BURNIN PINNA WE GOTTA GO GIT HER NOW tho i took off to tha dor. it wath wokd tho tho i wooked for a kee or a wever or thomethin to unwock the dor but cudnt find won. i did find a cuppel twapth tho and i awmotht fel into won of them that wath cwothe. fwaya weminded uth that she cud maik her own dor and we wath all wike oh yah i fowgot u cud do that tho she did it and we got in.

she thaw thomewon thtanding owthide the woom tho she towd uth to git weddy and kimiweel wath gonna gwab won if they wath owtthide but win wondaline opind tha dor tha guy wath faw away. tho we thtawted fitin but won of tha orkth in anuther woom caim owt with a boy and a nife to hith nek and thin i herd a voithe that thaid they wath pinna and it thowdid wike her but i wuthnt shure. awitha akthd her a kwethchin onwy she cud no the anther to and she antherd it wite tho we new it weewy wath her. wondaline towd uth not to put down are wepinth but i dont want them to hurt pinna tho i dont put mine down but i put it away inthted. wondaline wathnt hapy wike she wanted to kil tha orkth but im wike they got pinna dont do it wondaline and wuckiwy she withend to me. the ork with the boy thaid her naim wath bonebwaker dorker and she akthed uth to eet with her tho we wint in to the woom.

we all that down at tha tabel but wondaline wint off into tha corner to thtand. dorker thaid if she find owt we therv thakthtin well die fatht but were liek gud thing we dont therv him tho u dont haf to wory abowt that. n e way wong thtowy short she pwomitheth to take her ork peepel away fwom hear and we can hav tha cathel if we giv her thomethin powerful. i twied to giv her tha dorf thkull that thkweemth win u wook at it but she wantid thomethin she cud hit thomewon with inthted. wondaline thaid well u can hav thith thtaff that maketh ur enemeeth week win u hit them with it and she wath wike oh yah thath cool ill taik it. sheth wike okay take the boy and the gurl and take the cathel and kil thakthtin and well git outta hear and were wike u got it. befowe they weft she gaiv wondaline a horn and thaid bwow thith if u need help and if we can heer it well come help u owt and were wiek ooh thath cool and thin they weft.

i maid shure pinna and the other guy wath okay and thin i gaiv pinna her poshinth and her pendint. she twied to giv uth bak the poshinth but we towd her to keep them becuth she cud thell them to help her git bak on her feet with tha shop and thtuff and she thtawted to cwy and thankd uth for thavin her. the boy thaid hith naim wath edmin begedar and he ith now tha akshul weeder bawon guy of thith pwathe and he thanked uth for thavin him. he wath tho thankful that he akshuwy maid wondaline a nite wich wath vewy cool of him to do. we towd pinna she cud thtay hear in tha cathel and maik a wizerd towr tho she can pwactithe her thtuff win her teecher tathe cometh bak wike she minchind and she wath thuper ekthitid abowt it but furtht she thaid we gotta go bak to gwavethfird cuz they thtill need her.

we wath gonna thweep but edmin thaid that the orkth alwayth thtayed away fwom tha cwumbeld towr and anuther woom becuth ther r unded and gothth. jutht to maik shure they dont find uth wile we r thweepin, we dethide to take a wook at tha woom acwoth the bonfier. fwaya and awitha and me thtaid in tha dinin woom to maik shure edmin and pinna are thaif and wondaline and kimiweel wint to wook awound the other woom. i dont no ekthakwy wat hapind but they thtawted yewwing abowt thome unded tho i wan to thee and shure nuff they wer fitin thome unded thing and a bwue gost. i helpd them kill them and thin kimiweel wath wike hay thith thtatchoo is weerd cuz ith on thome wood inthted of thith thtone tho can u help me move it and im wike ya shure but wet me chek on the otherth firtht.

i wint and wookd and they wath fine tho i caim bak but i notithd there wath a chetht that we mithd tho of corthe i gotta thee wath in it. win i wint to opin it THE CHETHT CAIM AWIVE AND BIT ME AND GWABBD ME. it kinda thcawed me onethtwy but i wath abel to take cawe of it eethiwy enuff. win it died it thpit owt a thak with thome gimth in it tho that wath cool.

i wint bak to the woom with wondaline and kimiweel to help them move the thtachoo. it took a wot of wurk to move it but we did. thereth a big hoe down ther but inthted of goin down ther im wike u guyth i gotta wetht im totawy tierd. they thot that wath a gud idea tho we wint to wetht.

we eech took a woom to arethelf and wondaline thtayed up wike nowmal. win we woke up wondaline towd uth that thome thadowy guy caim and vithited duwing the nite and towd her that heth fwom the cwock or thomethin and heth bin fowwowin uth for a wile and im wike thath kinda cweepy. he thaid they cant be theen by thakthtin or they wud be ded. she thaid he warnd her that pewwitin nothe abowt thith cathel and that heth comin in a week to taik it but he doethnt no the orkth are gon alweddy. he thaid we need to be weddy for a hyuge fite with their awmy of peepel. i dont no who the cwock ith or who thith guy ith or why he ith helpin uth but im gwad he ith evin tho i dont fuwwy twutht him. id wather no abowt thith attak than not no abowt it u no wat i meen.

n e way we make are way bak to the town with pinna and edmin and go thtwait to tha church. father baldenrone wingth the bell and evwywon cometh to the church to thee wath goin on. wondaline tawkth to them abowt wat happind and she bwingth owt pinna and evwywon cheerd and wath happy. thin she towd me to bwing owt edmin and they were all wike who that and win we towd them it wath bawon edmin begedar they were thupwithed and dint no he wath awive and thtuff. wondaline ekthpwaind evwything and towd them wat wath gonna happin at the cathel.

we r gonna hav a wot of help for thith fite. dwaugnir we cud altho uthe ur help.

Private Notes

That's it for this session!

Adventure Loot