8.3 Mummy Issues (Milestone - 9th Level!)

SESSION DATE: December 14, 2024
PRESENT: Rory, Freya, Kemurial, Renaldine

Deep Dive

![[Rory - 8.3 Mummy Issues.wav]]

Adventure Photos

Specters in Castle Rend Corridor.png
So Anyway Freya Started Eldritch Blasting.png
Crystallized Heart of a Blue Dragon.png
Kemurial Fighting Skeletons.png
Renaldine Healing Rory Under Castle Rend.png
Whinnie the Poodle Attacking Skeletons at Castle Rend.png
Rory Lying Cursed and Paralyzed at Castle Rend.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[Mummy Issues.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

sooo... we wint bak to cathel wind to thee wat wath goin on down the hoe under tha thtachoo and win we wint down ther ther wath a buncha fog. it felt kinda wike it wath burnin are thwoteth but it dint theem to do n e thing to uth tho we jutht kept goin and thin they wath thome gosth thingth that caim up and we kild them. but thin evin more keept comin up tho we keeld thim to and thin EVIN MORE WIKE WERE R U ALL COMIN FWOM THITH ITH CWATHY U GOTTA THTOPP n then finawwy they did phew. thethe gost kept twying to wike dwain are thtwingth or thomethin i think if kimiweel wathnt here we wud hav bin in a wot of twubbel and wondaline kept heewing me win i got hit and fwaya uthed a thpail that put up thome dawk thtuff that wud hurt them and that did a wot to help uth wile we wath workin on other gosts tho it wath weewy thome teemwork. we fownd a cool wookin thord that gwowth wite and thome thik awmow and they both theem majikel tho weel hav to git them wookd at thometime.

kimiweel thaid he cud tell ther wath thome moar unded ahed and won of thim wath big or thomethin tho we dethide to wetht for a wittle bit and thin keep goin. win we opind tha dor we thaw thom hell howndth eetin thomethin that wookd wike twash they wookd wike twubbel but we tuk thim owt eethy. thin we wint to won of tha dorth but it just wint upthtareth tho we kept goin down hear firtht.

we wint to tha nektht dor and we cud here thomethin on tha other thide tho we all got weddy and win i opind tha dor THER WATH A HYUGE OGER THOMBEE THTAWIN AT ME AND IT KINDA THCAWED THE CWAP OUTTA ME but we had to fite now. ther wath awtho thome goolth and gathtth and a pweetht at tha awter acwoth the woom. we pwetty much thtayd owthide the woom and workd them down fwom ther but of corth fwaya bein fwaya she thaw it wath tiem to heet thingth up with a fierball and boom that hurt thim a wot and took owt the pweetht guy jutht wike that. fwaya hath bin on fier with her thpelth not wike acshuwwy on fier but wike weewy gud u no wat i meen. n e way wondaline fownd a bwue hart gim and i wookd at it and wath wike THITH ITH A HART OF A BWUE DWAGGIN BUT ITH HARD WIKE A WOK tho that wath cool. i think ith fwom the bwue dwaggin flankth but i dont weewy no wat they wath doin with it.

we git owt of ther and keep goin down tha hall. ther ith thome fog comin fwom the wall over there and thome thkewetonth that wondaline warnd uth abowt. she twied to tawk to them but thay wathnt withenin tho we tuk em owt. but thay had thome big ol minitaw thkewetinth i dont think i ever theen n e thing wike that befoew. fwaya jutht thtood bak and wath bwathtin wike cwazy she did a gud job here wile we kept them away fwom her. and thethe unded thingth awe perfict fow kimiweel and wondaline cuz they hav thome wike wadeint thtuff to take them down eethiwy. im gwad im not on tha other thide of there wepinth and thpelth.

after we finishd that fite wondaline took a wook at the fog comin fwom tha wal and she fownd a wock and akthd fwaya to thee if she cud unwock it and she cud. wondaline uthed her thpell to help uth wetht befowe we wint inthide the hiddin woom and thin we wint in. ther wath a thtachoo of gade and thome kinda water or thomethin but it watht water i dont no wat u call it. wondaline thaid if u dwink it u cud git ur thpell power bak tho im thtayin owt of that won they can hav it. she dwank a poshin tho she cud put thith thtuff in tha empty vile. thin we wint into the woom nektht to the thtachoo and ther wath a buncha chethth. wondaline and fwaya chekd for twapth and thtuff and onwy won of thim had a twap and of corth it popd befowe fwaya cud ditharm it. thomethinth gotta go wong wite. the chetht had a buncha gowd. wondaline thaid we shud uthe it to pay fow thome thtuff for the fite we got comin up thoon with pewwitin.

tha nektht woom wath jutht a bedwoom but ther wath a chetht with thome thtone tabweth with ork thpellth on thim. i can weed them thankth to tha helmit i got tho tha otherth thaid thay cant uthe thim cuz they cant weed ork tho i jutht kept the tabwetth for now.

and then thingth got weel ugwy for me. we wint into tha nektht woom and fownd thome momeeth. we wath wike okay no pwobwim and we all did are thing but thin thith dethwok caim awound tha cowner and uthed that thaim dawk thpell that fwaya did erlier but it thukd cuz we cudnt move vewy fatht and it thtawted hurtin uth. the otherth towd me to come owthide and wate for the dawkneth to go away tho i did. we wated for a wittle bit and wen it wint away we wint bak in and they wath waitin for uth. fwaya wath waitin to shoot thomethin she cud thee tho i wint on ahed of her. thath were i methd up cuz ath thoon ath i caim awound tha corner won of the momeeth wath wating and it hit me with hith fitht and i thtawted feewing vewy bad. apawentwy they can maik u thtawt wotting away and they maid me thcawed and i cudnt move and i kinda bwakd owt and thin i woke up with a curth and we fownd owt that wondaline cudnt heel me and i can feel the curth gettin worth. i feel wike i mite die if i dont git thith takin cawe of weel thoon ill hav to thee if father baldrone can hewp me cuz wondaline and kimiweel thaid they cant do n e thing for now. win i woke up i wath hurtin vewy bad tho im wike guyth im thowwy i gotta thit thith won owt tho i thtaid awownd tha cornr and wet them take cawe of watever wath weft.

im tho thankful i got gud powrful fwindth wike wondaline and kimiweel and fwaya. i dont no wat wud hav happind today if it wernt for them. wondaline and fwaya and me go way bak and i havint nown kimiweel ath wong ath them but they all helpd me wike we hav alwayth bin fwindth. thay hav dun tho much fow me. wondaline alwayth findth a way to heel me and all of uth win we need it and cuz the dothnt eet she alwayth giveth uth her food. and evin tho she mite not thownd wike she careth thometimeth i wonder if she achuwwy doeth cuz she keepth doin it. i dont no if ith becuz she feelth wike she hath to or if she twuly wantht to. and fwaya hath alwayth bin a gud fwind. she alwayth hath my bak and u no she wookth tuff on tha owthide and i think she ith but she hath a thoft thpot to. i think the fiery thpellth she utheth match her perthonatitywy... perthonawty... tha way she ith but avin tho motht of her thpellth are hot sheth acshuwwy a cool perthon. and wike i thaid i havnt nown kimiweel ath wong ive notithd he onwy theemth to hav evwyoneth betht intwethth in mind. he fiteth vewy well and ith vewy thtwong and heth alwayth wighting are path in mowe wayth than won.

dwaugnir pweeth heer me. i dont wanna die i gotta find my pawenth and help them. im twying my betht. and pweethe pwotect my fwindth. i wuv them.

Private Notes

That's it for this session! (This session there were several times we would do 21 damage against our various enemies, leaving them with a SINGLE hitpoint. We're nothing if not consistent!)

Notes for next session:
Rory is cursed, cannot regain hitpoints, and for every 24 hours that pass his hitpoint maximum is reduced by 3d6. If his hitpoint max is reduced to 0, he dies and turns to dust. We left off just before taking a long rest. After resting, Rory will strongly suggest that we head back to Gravesford to ask the cleric there if he can heal Rory. We also have some things to identify, possibly with Pinna's assistance.

Adventure Loot