9.0 The Mists of Castle Rend
SESSION DATE: December 21, 2024
PRESENT: Rory, Kemurial, Freya, Renaldine
Deep Dive
![[Rory - 9.0 The Mists of Castle Rend.mp3]]
Adventure Photos
Adventure Song & Lyrics
![[The Mists of Castle Rend.mp4]]
World Anvil Journal
sooo... we wint to thweep and win we woke up wondaline thaid she cud take off my curth tho im wike okay go ahed and twy and watyano SHE WEMOVD IT ALL AND I FELT BETR AW OF A THUDDIN THANKTH WONDALINE but i wath thtill hurtin tho i tuk thome helth poshinth and thtuff to heel up a bit and then i wath all gud to go agin.
tho we thtawted the day by wookin at the woomth that we dint wook at befoe on thith fwoor. on the firtht woom we fownd thome awmow and a majik wapier and they had the thimbel of the begedar. we think ith gotta be endminth thtuff cuz wen we wint bak to the town befowe he dint hav n e of hith thtuff on him tho weel giv it to him win we thee him agin. thin we wint to tha nektht woom and man thith won thtinkth tho bad that i had to hold my nothe win we wint in. it wath nuthin but bad meet and thtuff it wath tewwibel but we fownd a buncha gowd that we can put into tha cathel wepareth and thtuff tho thath gud.
thin we wint to the nektht dor and it wed to the thpiwal thtareth we thaw yetherday but thith tiem we wint up to thee wat we cud thee. it goeth up to tha wachtouer and we fownd thome kinda torch thing that alwayth burnth tho wondaline tuk that. thin we towd thome of tha town peepel hear to keep wach in the touer and wet evwywon no if they thee n e thine of pewwitin or n e other kinda thwet.
now we jutht hed down to tha bathemint thinthe were alwedy at tha thtareth. i dont feel thuper comftabel down heer now thinth wat happind to me yethterdy but now i no wondaline can heel me tho i feel a wittle bit beter. we opind tha firtht dor that we havnt opind yet and thereth a buncha thmoke comin fwom the dor. ath thoon ath we opin it ther r thome guyth inthide that bwatht uth with cold thtuff tho they wath weddy for uth. well they wathnt to hawd to fite. i wath abel to git won of them down quik and fwaya wath abel to catht her fierball tho it dint hit any of uth tho thath defnitewy beter than nowmal gud job fwaya. but thin won of the mage guyth maid me pawawithed agin and im wike oh man not agin but thin wondaline thaved me agin and tuk owt that guy tho i cud move agin. the watht guy twied to git away but we chathed him down and fwaya gwabd him with her witening pull thpell and kild him phew.
wondaline wookd at the coldrin in thith woom and figgerd owt that we cud make thome majik poshinth that give uth beter abiwtityth or thomethin tho i tuk won and they all tuk won and we hav thome weft over evin tho thath gud.
now we git to tha dubel dorth at the end of the halway and wondaline can heer a buncha noitheth wike bweethin and movin awownd tho she telth uth to git weddy. fwaya holdth a fierbawl and wondaline and kimiweel thtand to tha thide of tha dorth. jutht befowe i opin tha dor i git mad and thin thwing em opin weel fatht and fwaya shooth her fierbawl and hith a buncha nolth and thtuff. thin we find owt that thome of tha nolth are vampirth and ther r thome hiden wike mithty vampir thtuff that can dwane are wife tho ith a gud thing that fwaya hit them to evin tho we cudnt thee them at firtht. but thin fwaya got fwitend but she wathnt fwitend for wong. wondaline caim in with her thpiwit gardienth and wiped owt thome of them and kimiweel wath abel to find thome other hiden guyth with hith thpelth wich hepd uth awot. wondaline got the watht hit on theeth guyth and now tha fiteth over.
wondaline thaw that won of tha wallth dint wook ekthaktwy wite and she fownd a hiden dor. she opind it and fownd that it weedth to a caiv that goeth owtthide the cathel. thith mutht be tha hiden path that tha cwock guy towd wondaline abowt. wondaline maketh a twap with that buwnin torch thing we fownd erwier tho that win pewwiton or thombody twieth to opin thith dor it will fall and lite a fier in tha hole caiv.
thin we tuk a witel wetht and fownd more thtareth in thith woom. we wint up and fownd a buncha metel armor that wath all durty and dingd up and thtuff but won of thim wath thuper shiny. we wath wike kimiweel u shud were it and win he wint to take it all the other wonth CAIM TO WIFE THO NOW WE GOTTA FITE A BUNCHA ARMOR THINGTH i never theen thith befowe.
we gonna need ur help dwaugnir.
Private Notes
- Playing this session at 8th level, but then everyone will level to 9th afterwards
- We decide to take a long rest. TNGBU.
- Renaldine casts Remove Curse on Rory, which seems to work! His Mummy Rot is gone.
- We decide to check out the remaining rooms on the ground floor before heading back down.
- Renaldine checks the nearby door near the bonfire, but hears nothing. Inside are some leftover armor and whatnot form the orcs. There's a well-kept suit of studded leather with a +1 rapier inside with a Bedegar coat of arms inscribed on the pommel.
- We check the other room. No sounds. Rory opens the door and finds a putrid smell hitting his nose. Inside is a kitchen with rotted meat and deer. Nothing in here for us. There is a door on the other side of the kitchen, which we find is the larder. This room is not covered in blood. The orcs don't do much cooking and just eat raw meat, so they had no use of the room. We take about 10 minutes to search this room for stuff. We find some coinage. Nice!
- Before continuing, we decide to take a short rest to allow Rory to heal up a bit after that nasty curse. TRGBU.
- We find the spiral staircase leading down to the basement and up to the watchtower. We head up it to find a watchtower. Imagine that! In a brazier, Renaldine finds a magical item that seems to be a stick with one end burnt to an ember which apparently never goes out.
- Renaldine goes down to talk with the town's guard to have them post watch and rotate throughout the day to watch for Pelliton's army or any other intrusion or perceived threats.
- We head down two floors back to the basement and continue searching. We head to the door just past the pillars and see a heavy amount of smoke coming from it and other cracks. Renaldine hears voices beyond the door, but she can't quite make out what they're saying. She hears more than two. The door is unlocked, and Rory opens it. Inside are three cloaked figures across from the door near a suspended cauldron, all of whom are ready to cast spells. INITIATIVE!!!
- The first mage blasts a Cone of Cold out the door. Cold!
- Rory is able to take out one of the mages, then he looks into the cauldron to see if he can tell what's inside. Looks like a pungent broth.
- Freya is able to cast an effective Fireball without doing any friendly damage this time. Progress!
- The cult fanatic hits Rory with a successful Hold Person spell. Rory is once again paralyzed and incapacitated. Well phooey.
- Renaldine enters the room and casts Spirit Guardians, taking out the cult fanatic, dropping the Hold Person, and very nearly taking out the last mage.
- The mage casts Misty Step to remove himself from the crowded room and try to escape down the hallway.
- Freya points in the direction he took off. We all give chase. She uses her Lightning Lure spell, which does some lightning damage and pulls him to her, killing him. Combat over.
- We look for loot. We find some gold and a couple spell scrolls
- Renaldine investigates the cauldron. This is the base for a Potion of Enhance Ability. Currently it is inert. But all you need is a hair of any beast to activate its magic abilities. There is enough broth to fill six glass vials. We each take one and we vote to craft two Dex and one Strength potions of the stuff.
- We continue to the double door. Renaldine checks the doors and hears the moving of many things, the gnashing of teeth, breathing, etc. Rory says he'll open the doors immediately after raging to better brace for anything that might come his way. Freya readies a Fireball such that if she sees more than two enemies beyond the doors, she'll light 'em up. Rory rages and immediately throws the doors open. There are indeed three enemies that we can see, so Freya lets her Fireball fly. INITIATIVE!!!
- In addition to various gnolls and wereboars, there are also variants of these who are vampires. And if that isn't enough, the mist in here is sentient or something, and also vampiric!
- One of the Gnoll Vampires attempts to fear us all. Most of us shake it off, but Freya is frightened by it.
- Renaldine's Spirit Guardians spell easily takes out the Vampiric Mists that began to surround us, and Freya's previous Fireball nearly wiped them out. Unintentional teamwork!
- Kemurial runs into the room and uses Channel Divinity on these vampires to cast Divine Sense. He points out some more hidden enemies and vampiric mists. Nice!
- Renaldine steps up and uses her own Channel Divinity to Turn these undead, and it works! These guys now have to try to find their way out of here, past us melee types and Freya. Good luck with that!
- Freya is no longer Frightened and comes in and unloads three Eldritch Blasts on a regular gnoll and takes it out easily.
- Renaldine attempts to Seer Undead, taking out one of the vampire gnolls and heavily damaging the remaining one.
- Renaldine gets the final blow on the last remaining gnoll. Combat over.
- Renaldine points out that the northern wall of this once-misty room isn't normal. She inspects it more closely, putting her hand on the wall, finding a hidden door that leads to a dirt passageway leading to a gentle slope, exiting to a hidden entrance outside the castle. We hypothesize that this is the hidden entrance to Castle Rend that Pelliton knows about. We also recall that the Clock guy warned us that Pelliton has some nasty allies, particularly gnolls. We now know that perhaps some vampires as well.
- Renaldine rigs a trap such that the tip of the everburning ember we found earlier will drop onto some pitch/tar hidden under some dirt when someone, hopefully Pelliton, attempts to open the secret door into the castle.
- We decide to take a short rest before heading back upstairs. TRGBU.
- We head to a spiral staircase at the south end of the room. It leads up to the crumbled tower above. We head up as much as we can.
- This was previously an armory. Most of it is rusted and corroded, though. We see the crest of the dragon knights visible on the chest of the plate. There are eleven rusted and pitted suits of armor, and another one that is still gleaming silver as if it had been polished mere moments ago. Kemurial takes it to use, but doesn't don it just yet, because all the other armors come to life! INITIATIVE, FOR NEXT SESSION!!!
That's it for this session!
Adventure Loot
- Well-kept studded leather (Edmond Bedegar)
- +1 Rapier with Bedegar coat of arms (Edmond Bedegar)
1400s 350g- Potion of Greater Healing (Rory)
- Everburning ember on a stick (Renaldine) (used in trap we fashioned at secret entrance)
- 20g 17c
- Potion of Healing (Freya)
- Spell Scrolls:
140s10x Shield10x Hide armor10x Longbow10x Spear- Potion of Hill Giant Strength (Kemurial)
- Spell Scroll of Tasha's Caustic Brew (Kemurial)