9.2 The Battle of Castle Rend

SESSION DATE: January 04, 2025
PRESENT: Rory, Kemurial, Freya, Renaldine

Deep Dive

![[Rory - 9.2 The Battle of Castle Rend.wav]]

Adventure Photos

Large-scale Battle at Castle Rend.png
T-Reckless' Head Poking Through the Roof of Castle Rend.png
Rory as T-Reckless Knocking Pelliton Through the Roof at Castle Rend.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[The Battle of Castle Rend.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

sooo.... apawentwy today ith win pewwitin ith thupothed to twy and taik cathel wind but we r not gonna wet him taik it. we pwepard ath much ath we cud. we put all tha infintwy were we think thay wud be betht and we toad begedar to hide in the hidin woom with tha thtachoo downthtareth. we toad pinna to wach owt for thtuff fwom the cathel wal and shoot at are n m eeth and awitha will be in won of tha touerth to wook owt for thtuff to. we put thome gardth on tha wall altho. we r gonna thtay in tha other touer that wethth uth git to tha hidin dor were we put tha fier twap.

ith a pwetty day and the wether ith cweer tho we can thee pwetty gud. we thtawt heerin abowt thome movmint outhide tho we no there comin. wer jutht thittin hear waitin and aw of a thuddin their ith a woud twumpit thownd to wet uth no ith gaim tiem. we wook at the cathel and we thee a poof of majik and a buncha peepel pop up outa nowear and jump down tha thmoke hoe. were wike yep ith tiem to go tho we ged down tha thtareth and over to tha cortyawd.

thereth pewwitin and hith wackeyth thtandin ther tho we jutht hed wite into batel. wondaline bwoed on her horn to call dorkar and tha other orkth to help uth fite and it wathnt jutht them that shoed up it wath altho a buncha other guyth fwom thomethin cawd the wite and the needelth and evin tha bwue dwagin flankth it wath cool to here cuz we cudnt thee them. we got a methage fwom outhide that thaid ther wath a miner viktowy tho that thowndth gud be we got are own batel goin in hear. won of pewwitonth maij guyth twied to banith me but it dint work u r not gonna git wid of me that eethy not win we got kimiweel awound to help. pwetty quik after herin abowt that viktwy we got anuther methage that thaid we had compwetwy beeted them outhide tho WE WON THA BATEL WOO HOO no we jutht gotta beet pewwiton and thethe guyth and that gaiv uth a bit of a bootht and maid uth feel gud. fwaya put up her fier wall agin and thwew a fierball on me agin but iv jutht kinda come to ekthpekt that now tho ith no bigie. she hurt thim pwetty gud with them tho ill taik it.

but thith ith were im thtawtin to feel wike i mite not maik it. thay r jutht hitin me all over all the tiem and won of thim evin put up a wall that maid it tho thtuff cudnt git thwu it not evin majik or thomethin. and thin won of the woriorth hit me on tha hed and nokd me owt. wukiwy kimiweel wath ther and he towd me he heeld me to git me bak up tho i wathnt down vewy wong. nektht thing i no i wath waying down on tha gwownd tho i got bak up and hit tha maij guy and kild him. that tuk down tha invthibel... ivithbiel... tha wall u cant thee and thin i tuk owt won of tha other mane guth who can do tha thpiwit gardenth wike wondaline tho we dont hav to wory abowt that n e more and i maid shure to hit pewwiton onthe tho he cudnt heel and im wike alwite guyth ith up to u to taik em owt cuz im about to go down agin. fwaya wath wike i got u wowy AND SHE TURND ME INTO A WEEL HYUGE DYNOTHOR and that maid it tho i cud watht a bit wonger in tha fite. fwaya i dont no were u bin hidin thethe thpellth but that mite be the awethometht thing u ever done. i wike to call thith the t wekweth haha u git it i thot ith funy. but n e way bak to tha fite now. i wath abel to bite cawik and gwapel him tho he cant git away. i wath abel to get the kiwwing bwow on pewwiton ath i uthedt he dyno tale to nok him up in tha air and then thwing awownd and hit him agin with the tale and hit him owt of the hoe in the woof. all that wath thankth to fwaya for turnin me into a fwiggin dynothor and wondaline for keepin me heeld up. thin wondaline comandid the otherth to dwop ther wepinth and giv up and thay did tho i put cawik bak down.

wondaline tuk over tawkin to peepel wile we got arethelfth together agin. she wint to dorkar and thankd her for ther help and thin she wint to agat the thtone gient and akthd him if he cud do thomethin to tha cathel wallth to wemember thith batel and the peepel who died fiting in it. i thot that wath vewy kind of her to do. and thin she wint to edmind and towd him that tha glided iwon wanth uth to come bak to bathe and tawk tho well be weavin him and hith peepel at the cathel. she maid shur that if their wath n e pwobwemth ther wud be thomewon to help figur thingth owt. and thin we tawkd to pinna to thank her and tell her she did a gwate job and that she maikth a gwate witherd and i maid shur to tell dorkar to taik gud care of pinna win she goeth to wiv with them for a wile. thankth to pinna the peepel of gwavethford and cathel wind were abel to find mor help to maik thith batel that much eethier.

dwaugnir if u r ther pweathe wach over theeth peepel wile they wecover and thtuff. and maik shur pinna ith thafe. thankth for ur help today. and mom and dad im comin i thwear. i jutht hav tho much goin on i pwomith u i will not fowget to find u agin. i hope ur thafe to.

Private Notes

That's it for this session! Next week/session will just be us doing some short RP to decide what to do next so the DM can begin prepping based on what we choose to do.

Adventure Loot