9.3 On the Road Again (Milestone - 10th Level!)

SESSION DATE: January 18, 2025
PRESENT: Rory, Kemurial, Freya, Lim Dul

Deep Dive

![[Rory - 9.3 On the Road Again.wav]]

Adventure Photos

Kemurial Learning How to Use Sending Stone.png
Rory Flying and Fighting a Blue Dragon Wyrmling.png
A Banner Blocks Our Path.png

Adventure Song & Lyrics

![[On the Road Again.mp4]]

World Anvil Journal

sooo... we tawkd with tha glided iwon and they towd uth abowt all thethe thingth goin on all over tha pwathe but we wath wike we r gonna go taik care of thith caoth god thing. we bot thome thending thtoneth tho we can tawk to them win we r away u no in cathe we need thome help or we gotta tel them thome info or thomethin we gaiv won of thim to thoren and kimiweel keept the other won. kimiweel wath wike hay i gota mownt u guyth want won and we wath wike nah wer gud tho he wath wike oh ok i wont uthe mine thin and we wath wike ya ok thath cool.

n e way we weft the glided iwon and thtawted hedin tord were wer goin and they maid me the twailhand and dum dum and fwaya r the thcoutth and kimiweel and dady karl are the cortermathterth. apawentwy i wath the betht they had for the twailhand but u wudnt no it cuz i kept getin uth wotht. it thtawted waining today maikin it weel hard to find tha twail but i wath abel to git uth bak on twack finawy. fwaya and dum dum find a cwocodiel eetin thomethin by the wivew and they thtop uth befowe we git to cwothe. it doethnt wook wike ith eetin a perthon or n e thing tho we jutht dethide to weeve it awone and go awound it withowt fitin it. thin kimiweel and dady karl got thome food for uth tho thath gud.

we keep goin and watya no we find a cwashd areship on tha gwownd. ith not evwyday u thee thomethin wike thith thath cwazy. at firtht we twy to be weel quite and thee if n e thing ith movin awound over ther in cathe thomething ith hidin but we dont thee n e thing tho we walk up cwothe and thee wat we can find. win we git cwothe kimiweel theeth thome cwaw mawkth all over tha ship and it wookth wike they even wath thwong enuff to put hoeth in the metel partth. bethideth thith hole thing the weerd pawt ith that watever wath hear theemd to thcawe away tha other wildwife ith to quiet now. wile we are wookin awown i here thome fwapping wingth and wook up and thee thomethin fwying over uth. i towd the otherth to git down and behind thomethin in cathe they come bak.

well ith a gud thin we hided cuz hear they come and wand on the ship. ITH THOME WITTEL BWUE DWAGGINTH WORMWINGTH WERE DID THEY COME FWOM. they thtawted wookin awownd for thome thtuff but thath win kimiweel popd owt and thtawted witing up tha pwathe tho we all fowwowed behind him. dum dum wint up firtht and hit won of the dwagginth tho i wint up nektht to them and finishd it off but thin won of tha other dwagginth fwew up and hit uth with witening and that kinda thtung a bit but we kep going. i popt my wingth owt and fwew up to won of them and took it owt and win it fel down it awmotht hit kimiweel down bewow wew that wath cwothe. and fwaya ith on fier today not weewy on fier but wike doing weel gud u no wat i meen n e way she geth thome vewy gud hith on thethe thingth wich ith awethome and she never evin hit n e of uth tho thath a impwovment. we tuk down anuther won and thin the watht won tuk off fwyin tho i dwank a thpeed poshin and tuk off after it tho it cudnt warn ith pawenth abowt uth cuz we dont need to be fitin a big dwaggin wite now. i wath abel to taik it owt without n e pwobwimth tho i fwew bak to the gwoup to thee wat we cud find.

ith bin a wong day tho we wint to camp but we wint far away fwom thethe dwagginth and ship in cathe mama caim wookin for her lil dwaginth. i wathnt abel to find a weel gud thpot to camp but we maid it no pwobwem.

ith a fogy day today tho evin tho ith not wainin wike yetherday ith thtil hawd to thee vewy gud tho geth wat i got uth wotht agin but evin worthe today. thith tiem we wint thwidin down tha wiver bank and we wotht thome food and thtuff and thin we cudnt find tha twail agin but finawy after a wong tiem i wath abel to git uth bak on twack agin. fwaya and dum dum fownd thome cweechur in a caiv but we jutht weft it awone and wint awownd. kimiweel and dady karl wath abel to find enuff food for today to tho evin tho we wotht thome food erlier we thtill hav pwenty of thtuff to go awownd.

nuthin elthe hapind today tho we fownd anuther pwathe to thweep and evwything wint gud thru the nite.

today ith not wainin or fogy but ith vewy hyumin and thtiky but at weatht i can thee today tho we dont git wotht tho thath beter.

ath we wath walkin on the twail we fownd a baner thtuk in tha gwownd and it wath kinda pulthin with majik. it had thome riting on it tho i uthed my helmit to twy to weed it but evin tho i cudnt weed it ekthaktwy i cud tel it thaid thomethin abowt thweeping and wethting but i dont twutht it. i thtick my hand into the ora and barley thtopd mythelf fwom fawwing athweep and it maid be feel wike i cud be fateegd if i wint in ther tho im jutht wike nah we shudnt meth with thith and jutht go awownd it inthted. dum dum twied to wite it on fier with hith awwowth but he kep mithing it and i jutht thtood bak and wafd cuz it wath kinda funy hopefuwy heth beter with hith bow in batel. i meen he cant theem to hit thomethin thath not movin how cud he hit thomethin that moveth haha.

wile fwaya and dum dum wath wookin awownd they towd uth to quikwy git behind thome cover cuz ther wath thomethin wunnin up behind uth. we all dukd behind thomethin and we thaw thome wike horthe men wunning by uth but a cupel of them had wike no muthleth and the won in the midel wath biger and wath all wapped up in bandijeth. theein the bandijeth im wike nope im not methin with theeth momeeth agin ive bin thwu that and dont wanna go thwu it agin that wath turibel. tho we jutht wet them path by uth.

kimiweel and dady karl altho wer abel to find thome more food. im gwad we hav them cuz we mite be thcwewd if i keep makin uth wooth food.

dwaugnir we r gonna need ur help if were gonna maik it to werever we r going. we hav theen thome cool thtuff but i need help giding my fwindth on a thafe twip. pweathe help uth.

Private Notes

That's it for this session!

Adventure Loot